CS6825: Computer Vision

Data Input
Kinect SW
Getting Started

Requirements AND Data Output

Skeleton Tracking

Project 3: Cyber Physcial System (CPS)Research

Impelmentation Requirements and Data Output


  • GUI -
    • must have user friendly easy to use interface
    • must have way user can turn off system and turn back on
    • must have way for system to respond when user is detected as fallen ---show highlighted person in image on floor, pop up alert message saying going to call some emergency number if user does not respond in X minutes.
    • must have way user can respond (best but, of course not required to use speech recognition that is part of Kinect) withing the X minute timeframe they are okay.

  • Testing and Measurement -
    • you must setup a series of tests (could save to video or live) to test cases when user normally walking, sitting, laying on couch.
    • you must setup a series of tests when user is falling and then on floor (have different cases when person still, body moving but still on ground ---you come up with ideas --legs only moving, rolling, fast movement as lay on floor, falling - slow to fast---grabbing things as go down.

  • Problems
    • What are the problems you are encountering ---what if user falls behind the couch or partially occluded by a chair
    • Does system respond differently when user is moving on ground compared to still,etc.


© Lynne Grewe