CS6825: Computer Vision word cloud
Data Input
Kinect SW
Getting Started

Requirements AND Data Output

Skeleton Tracking

Project 3: Cyber Physcial System (CPS)Research

    Deliverables (how to turn in)

    1. RESEARCH:  This has 2 phases. one is posting and the other is review of others postings. All of this is done on blackboard's discussion board "Project 3 - Research Postings"
      Phase 1: Post 5 references with your synopsis of how people can detect seniors in a scene with RGB and/or Depth map. Look for articles (if any) on detection of people lying down. Each posting must have link to pdf or website link to the resource. Each reference MUST be detailed enough to be able to code the idea from reading it. You can NOT use a reference provided by the instructor. Please DO NOT POST your references until the due date.

      Phase 2: You are going to respond to 5 posting made by other student(s). Pick those of interest to you and give your synopsis of this work and your opinion on its merits.

    2. PROPOSAL PHASE : This is where you will be posting your proposal for system (Before you implement it). This will be done on blackboard's project link "Project 3 - CPS Proposal"

      You may post as a text posting (preferable) or attached word document. The format must contain (keep section heading):

      Given your research and participation in class discussions you are to propose how you are going to collect data, the sensor used, the computer language and programming. You must have the following sections. Your proposal must contain psuedo code (at a high level) and have the following sections:

      Secton 1: Data Collection (how store and process video of RGB and Depth data)

      Section 2: Person Detection (how using RGB and Depth data)

      Section 3: Person Tracking (how you will track person in video/image sequence)

      Section 4: Person falling and/or Person laying on floor detection

      GUI: calibration, user interface and response

    3. FINAL PHASE: Implementation and turn in of code and results. It should include 2 files turned in to blackboard projects link "Project 3- Final"
      1) zipped up (using zip standard only) file containing all code.
      2) word document (see project description). This document must contain:
      Word Document (click here for template you MUST use) that details the following:
      • Section 1 Execution Instructions:
        Instructions for me to download and run your code. YOU NEED to show me screen shots of you doing this from your uploaded blackboard code.....this forces you to make sure that I can run your code. You MUST have the following screenshots AND give description on what to do: screenshot 1.1 = screen shot of your files uploaded to Project 1 turn in folder on blackboard

        screenshot 1.2 = directory view of "temp" directory you unzipped file to showing the unziped files and directory structures.

        screenshot 1.3 = Eclipse running where you have opened up project file in "temp" directory.

        screenshot 1.4 = Eclipse running the application - show screenshot of it running. If I must do something beyond simply hitting the "run" button, you need to give screenshots and step by step instructions.


      • Section 2 Code Descpription
         A describing how code is structured and the state of how it works. Give a describption for each filename listed.

      • Section 3 Testing:
         here you give screen shots of you running the various stages of the program as detailed here:
      • Show at least 4 testing scenarios showing input for the cases of:

        • person does not fall
        • person falls and is not occluded
        • person falls and is occluded partially
        • person falls and is moving


      • Section 4 Comments
        Optional any comments you have regarding your code (necessary if you code is not working, you need to tell me in detail what the problem is or what is missing)



© Lynne Grewe