CS6825: Computer Vision

Data Input
Getting Started
Blob Detecton
Data Output
Class and Menu Specifications

Project 3: Feature Detection

Due  See parts below
(points 230)

Parts of Project (see deliverables at end)

  • Part 1 Research: 30 points =research and class discussion contributions (Oct. 30 your posting and Oct 31 your reviews )

  • Part 2 Proposal: 15 points = blob detecton and feature extraction proposal (Nov 2)
  • Part 3 Final: 185 points implementation, testing and documentation using Leveled Grading Fomula (Nov. 26)

    You will create a breast cancer blob and feature detection system that has a GUI interface. It will read in an image and perform feature detection on it. An XMLtext file will be output as well as the the information will be displayed to the user in a window of the program that lists all of the blobs and their features detected. Details are below.



© Lynne Grewe