Leveled Grading

    The idea here is the assigned work is to be evaluated coarsely to one of the levels of achievment listed below. In the case of designing a SW system, the goal of the assigned work is for the student to go through the design and development process and it is less important how well the system functions, but, rather that it does function in some sense. This is meant to encourage creativity and exploration of new ideas without punishment when there are problems.


    IMPORTANT...For group or individual projects you must designate a "supervisor" (in the case of individual projects that is you.....all projects are assummed individual unless explicitly stated it is a group project) that must keep track of work sessions on the project. You will also turn in a single page titled, "Work Status". On this page, you will have two sections labeled, "Work Hours ", and one labeled "Level of Completion" with the following content:

    Work Status Page


    "Work Hours "

    • you will list (in the case of group projects for each person) the ammount of time spent working on the project. Partition this into Design, Implementation, Testing and Documentation times.

    "Level of Completion"

    you will list the following, in subsections with these names:

    • System Components Names
    • % of System Componenets designed (as described in your other deliverables...paper you turn in on system).
    • % of System Components implemented
    • % of System Components that run (meaning compile, and execute as you expected....does not say how good results are).


    Leveled Grading Scheme:

    100% =
    • all portions of project designed and implemented, and run (regardless of accuracy)
    • turned in all deliverables

    90% =

    • all portions of project designed and implemented,
    • 3/4ths or more (to be judged by grader) of the system components run (regardless of accuracy)
    • spent adequate time on project
    • turned in all deliverables including documentation of what is not working
    75% =
    • all portions of project designed and implemented,
    • only half or more of the system components run (regardless of accuracy)
    • attended all work sessions but one
    • turned in deliverables, including documentation of what is not working
    50% =
    • all portions of project designed,
    • only 1/3rd to half of the system components run (regardless of accuracy)
    • spent adequate time on project
    • turned in all deliverables including documentation of what is not working
    0% =
    • anything less than 50% requirements
© Lynne Grewe