CS6825: Computer Vision word cloud
Data Input
Getting Started
Blob Detecton
Data Output
Class and Menu Specifications

Project 3: Feature Detection

    System Implementation Requirements

    Use Case
    Your program will read in a JPEG image (or partial image...as they are very large) from the images in the USF database. Images may or may not have cancer in them (you should test both). Then the user can select a menu option Process->Feature Detect which will run your blob detecton and 5 different feature detection algorithms.


    The results will be:

    • After Blob Detecton will have a Vector (data sructure in java) of Blobs found in the image. This vector is calls BlobList and contains instances of the class Blob. This vector will be stored in an instance of the class called CancerAnalysis shown below.
    • Mass Analysis: (1 blob / mass)
      • Blob class (as described more below) will contain your 5 Feature objects f1, f2, f3, f4, and f5 that are instances of your own implemented sub-classes (Feature1, Feature2, etc) of the class Feature below.
    • Creation of a n XML file that contains the entire Blob instances in BlobList formatted in XML as described below, called Blobs.xml, that is stored in the same directory as your executable code.
    • With the List menu, there are the option List->Blobs. The option List->Blobs will display the nicely formated XML for all of the blobs in a scrollable window.


© Lynne Grewe