CS6825: Computer Vision

ExtraCredit for Project 3's OPTION 2 - Mobile Deployment Beta testing with experimentation

                              Proposal Due Nov. 15,
                             Project DueDec. 2 ,
                               (points 130)

Evaluation Guidelines 

This is extra credit and not required. You can choose this only if for Project 3 you decided to do Option 2- Mobile Computer Vision App.

80 points You are going to actually deploy to a minimum of 10 users your application and perform experimentation and collection of real data (must be built into the application and uploaded to your server).


20 points If you are able to get your application published on the android marketplace you will get a full +20 points for doing only this. this is a challenge in the time frame of the class given it can take Google not insignificant ammounts of time to review and approve.


Deployment on min 10 Users Hardware

Given it is unlikely you can get Google to approve in time for data collection and analysis (and they may reject your app or ask for changes), you will need to by hand install on 10 different user phones ---this means you need to find 10 DIFFERENT people with Android devices (NOT including you) to let you install your application and use it. You will need to minimally:

  • Save and Collect raw images taken by users when the user launches the app, you should at least during it first use from a new launch, capture the raw image(s) and send to your server account along with some unique user ID, datestamp and some launch id(unique to represent this user + launch).
  • Save and Collect results after the a new launch, the user takes some raw image and you will process it/them. Store the results on your server with s

Analysis, Improvements Needed, Report

You are going to create a report showing for the 10 users all the data you collected but, you are also going to interpret this data. Show me examples of it working and not ---give a tally of number of times it worked, number times it didn't, any discrepencies where you thought did work and user didn't or vice versa? show me the numeric results of the user feedback for each focused question.


You are going to give a DETAILED suggestion/plan on how you can use this information to improve your product before a real launch to the marketplace. Give algorithms where necessary. If everyone was really happy with your app--then instead you must give me what your 2.0 version of your app would do and the algorithm behind it.


PROGRAMMING (for 30 points of this extra credit) Find one thing you need to fix or if nothing a small future improvment (version 1.1) and program it (keep the version 1.0 stored separately in case you need to back out to it).

© Lynne Grewe