Setting up PhpStorm from
(steps 1-4 do only 1 time)
Go to documentation on how to do this...right now you go to File->Settings and Under the PHP tab
specify the directory to point to the php.exe file (this is the PHP interpreter)
NOTE: AMPPS server you store your HTML and PHP files under the C:\Ampps\www directory and if you put a file hello.php there the URL is http://localhost/hello.php
NOTE: you can make subdirectories under www to organize as you wish and append this to your mappings you setup below and the url will have the directory also listed
go to PHPStorm -> FIle ->Settings -> Deployment and select + to add a new server
Now type in a name and choose as type Local or mounted folder
Now in the specifications of this local server if you installed in step 1 the AMPP stack you will for folder C:\Ampps\www (this assumes was installed on a windows machine in the C:\Ampps directory --you specify the correct path for your install). AND specify th efiles on server as http://localhost
NOW for each new project, you should add a mapping by going to the mappings tab and entering a mapping like the following:
This maps the project HelloWorldPhp in PHPStorm to the HelloWorldPhp subdirectory inside C:\Amps\www and uses the URL http://localhost/HelloWorldPhP to access it