How to specify a Run Configuration to DEPLOY and RUN on LOCAL Web Server supporting PHP (like apache)



Assumes you have previously setup PHPStorm with local web server installed





IMPORTANT: below I am setting up on a personal account on csweb01 server you may be on a Different server and and you have your own login/password information ---so substitue this.






theortically it is possible, but, requires ports to be open on the remote server to handle this and XDebug to be installed on the remote server and the php.ini file have the added block to it: (and of course the url to the xdebug will be specific to the location of the installed XDebug).

zend_extension="C:/Program Files (x86)/Ampps\php\lib\php_xdebug.dll"


Unfortunately as it is a shared production machine used by many students our campus servers do NOT have the capability.



If your remote server does have the above done you can NEXT - Create Debug run instance

Go to Run->Edit Configurations & select + to add a new configuration and select PHP Remote Debug

special note: Make sure that PHPStorm is the only JetBrains IDE up (sometimes there can be a conflict with ports) and that you have your Apache server running and listening on port 80







© Lynne Grewe