Exercise 2

20 points due April 5 (class time when called)

You are to modify your exercise 1 resume webpage using your editor of choice (Dreamweaver or BlueGryfon) as follows

1) create a template called "Resume" that has you image, name, address in a table at the top and allong the left has a narrow table that contains links for Education, Work Experience, Goals, and References. The Education link links to education.htm, the work to work.htm, the goals to resume.htm and the References to renerneces.htm

2) use the template to create 3 webpage called resume.htm, work.htm, education.htm and references.htm


3) Use tables to organize your layout.

4) upload to your account and test.

5) Demonstrate during class.

SPECIAL NOTE if Using BlueGriffon:

There is NO true concept of template in BlueGriffon like there is in DreamWeaver. So what you will do is simply create a webpage template.html that contains all the content you want in EVERY webpage and you need to fix this (as you can't change it without having to change every web page that was generated from it). Then use this html file and copy it everytime you need to create a new web page in your site.





© Lynne Grewe