Exercise 1

20 points due April 3 (start during class and demonstrate)

BRING YOUR LAPTOP AND Choose to install Dreamweaver (only 7 days trial then must buy$20/month) or BlueGriffin (there is a free version). You decide which option you wish.

You are to create a webpage USING Dreamweaver OR USING BlueGriffin (this means you need to install dreamweaver on your machine --you can use trial version) that is to serve as your online resume. You are to follow the following guidelines:

1) sketch a design sheet before starting and choose a pleasing, professional background color

2) include an image of yourself (or "borrow" one from the net)

3) have section for education, one for work experience and a seperate area for contact information.

4) for the sections of education and work experience organize using lists

5) put your name, picture and contact information in a prominent location, using larger font and appropriate font styles.

6) make a minimum of 3 hypertext links in your resume. One must be a "mailto" link to mail you and your email address. The others link to other websites (e.g. like places you have gone to school, or worked).

7) Upload to your account and test. (YOU MUST SETUP A "SITE" IN DREAMWEAVER FOR THIS).


UNFORTUNATELY if you do not yet have your server account you will run it locally on your machine


© Lynne Grewe