Exericse M1: creating a /getAllOrders NodeJS+Express app URI to retrieve and display all documents in ORDERS collection

....you can work on this in small group teams BUT, you MUST turn in separately --meaning each person must have the solution deployed in their own account.

follow the following steps to create Controller code (controllers/database.js) that access ORDERS collection in a MongoDB on mLab.com and forwards these documents to the view views/getAllOrders.ejs where it cycles through and formats the Order documents in a nice HTML format. The controller code will be invoked by typing in the URI with path = /getAllOrders


YOU WILL BE ASKED to demo the application in person on the due date during class when called.


STEP 1: setup mLab mongoDB and ORDERS collection



STEP 2: CONTROLLER CODE create a controllers directory in your code if you dont have one already --and create a javascript file called database.js that contains an exported function getAllOrders that connect to database and retrieves ALL the documents in the ORDERS collection and passes them on to a view in the views/getAllOrders.ejs file



STEP 3: CREATE routing entry and load the Controller code in the routing/index.js file that will map the /getAllOrders to a Controller function getAllOrders in the controllers/database.js file


I am not going to write this code (we have same nodeJS and MongoDB code off our outline you should look at) --but , here is some VERY close looking code that maps the /getAllRoutes URI to the function getAllRoutes in the controllers/database.js file

var express = require('express');
var router = express.Router();
//LOAD the various controllers
var controllerMain = require('../controllers/main'); //this will load the main controller file
var controllerMongoCollection = require('../controllers/database'); //load controller code dealing with database mongodb and Routes collection
//MAY HAVE OTHER CODE in index.js //CODE to route /getAllRoutes to appropriate Controller function //**************************************************************************
//***** mongodb get all of the Routes in Routes collection w // and Render information iwith an ejs view
router.get('/getAllRoutes', controllerMongoCollection.getAllRoutes);




STEP 3: CREATE view called getAllOrders.ejs in the views directory and read in the documents (ORDERS entries) that are passed to it from the controller and format them with HTML


I am not going to write this code (we have same nodeJS and MongoDB code off our outline you should look at) --but , here is some VERY close looking code that is the file views/getAllRoutes.ejs that is invoked by the getAllRoutes controller (in database.js) that is passed an array of Routes documents it cycles through and places inside the ejs html formatted view


<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>mLab MongoDB test</title>
<link rel='stylesheet' href='/stylesheets/style.css' />
<div class="container">
<h2>Database Results getting Routes </h2>
<% results.forEach(function(r) { %>
<li><%= r.name %> - <%= r.frequency %></li>
<li>From:( <%=r.START_Longitude %>, <%=r.START_Latitude %> )</li>
<li>TO: ( <%=r.END_Longitude %>,<%=r.END_Latitude %> ) </li>
<% }); %>




STEP 4: Showing Final Project structure AND running the code



ROUTES table in MLab (so you can see we got ALL the routes)


© Lynne Grewe