Sorted List - example code

Which member function specifications and implementations must change to ensure that any instance of the Sorted List ADT remains sorted at all times?



InsertItem Algoritm

  1. Find proper location for the new element in the sorted list.
  2. Create space for the new element by moving down all the list elements that will follow it.
  3. Put the new element in the list.
  4. Increment length.

    void  SortedType :: InsertItem ( ItemType  item )
    {  bool  moreToSearch ;
       int   location = 0 ;
    			      // find proper location for new element
    	moreToSearch = ( location < length ) ;
    	while ( moreToSearch  )
    	{	switch ( item.ComparedTo( info[location] ) )
        	{ case   LESS   : moreToSearch = false ;
    		                    break ;
    		  case  GREATER : location++ ;
    			           moreToSearch = ( location < length ) ;
    				    break ;
      }		     //  make room for new element in sorted list
    	for  ( int  index = length ;  index  >  location ;  index-- )
    		   info [ index ] = info [ index - 1 ] ;
    	info [ location ] = item ;
      length++ ;

DeleteItem Algoritm

  1. Find the location of the element to be deleted from the sorted list.
  2. Eliminate space occupied by the item being deleted by moving up all the list elements that follow it.
  3. Decrement length.
    void  SortedType :: DeleteItem ( ItemType  item )
      int location = 0 ;
    			//   find location of element to be deleted
    	while ( item.ComparedTo ( info[location] )   !=  EQUAL )
    		location++ ;
      // move up elements that follow deleted item in sorted list
    	for ( int  index = location + 1 ; index  <  length; index++ )
    		info [ index - 1 ] = info [ index ] ;
       length-- ;

Improving Retrieve Algoritm


  • Recall that with the Unsorted List ADT we examined each list element beginning with info[ 0 ], until we either found a matching key, or we had examined all the elements in the Unsorted List.

    How can the searching algorithm be improved for Sorted List ADT?

Binary Search ...another solution


© Lynne Grewe