CS2020:   Web Science, Sytems and Design

Lab 8: Services - analytics and maps

Point 50

start Feb 27

due March 5, 11pm EXTENDED TO MARCH 9, 11pm


Objectives: You will experiencing the use of 3rd party services and incorporating them inside your website. You are doing this using Google Maps and will be using Google Analytics to track your web site.


Resources: Check out a class and book materials on both Analytics and Maps. There is also a video resource there.

Definition of Problem:


Google Maps

You are to edit your Contact Us page (contact.htm) so that in addition to the contact form you created in a previous lab, you now will integrate a Google map with a pinpoint to the location of the "headquarters" of your website's owning organization (you can make up a ficticious but, obviously real address). The pinpoint should say something like "XXXX Headquarters" where XXXX is the name of the website/organization and also give a ficticious phone number and ficticious email.



You are to get an account of Google.com (if you have one already you can use this). You are to go to Google analytics (see class web site for more information) and register to use analytics. You are to inside Google Analytics setup tracking for your website (http://puzzle.sci.csueastbay.edu/~YOURLOGIN). Google will generate some javascript that you will want to insert in EVERY web page on your site (do this inside your template(s) and it will update all the pages that use it automatically).

NOW - invite a bunch of friends/families/ send emails to fellow classmates to use your website. You should be able to see after some time statistics about your users in the Google Analytics dashboard.

After a few days of others using your website ---take screen shots of your dashboard and of the user map and save to files Dashboard.jpg and UserMap.jpg

Evaluation Guidelines


  1. Upload you update web pages (all) to your your server account under your public_html directory Make sure all the files and directories have file mode (permissions) of 755.
  2. Test out your site by typing in the url (http://puzzle.sci.csueastbay.edu/~YOURLOGIN) ---this should go to your index.htm page --- Test it in IE and Firefox and Chrome browsers --- test your new contact us page.
  3. Turn in the following information Blackboard->Lab->Lab8

    • URL to website (e.g http://puzzle.sci.csueastbay.edu/~YOURLOGIN/index.htm)
    • Dashboard.jpg and UserMap.jpg showing the useage of your site using google analytics.


© Lynne Grewe