100% =
- all portions of design document completed in good
- major artwork produced
- easy to read
- information given rich enough to understand and visualize
site you are preposing.
- good grammar!
75% =
- all portions of design document completed in good
detail with the following exception.
- major artwork produced
- suffer in at most 2 of the following:
- easy to read
- grammar
- missing or have not completed sufficiently Concept
Summary section.
- missing or have not completed sufficiently Logical/Navigation
- missing or have not completed sufficiently Resource
50% =
- all portions of design document completed in good
detail with the following exception.
- major artwork produced
- suffer in at most 3 of the following:
- easy to read
- grammar
- missing or have not completed sufficiently Concept
- missing or have not completed sufficiently Logical/Navigation
- missing or have not completed sufficiently Resource
- missing or have not comleted sufficiently the
Detailed Design Sheets!!!!
- a few missing pieces of artwork
0% =
- anything less than 50% requirements