CS4525-01 Principles of Network Security

CS 6525 01- Network Security

SUMMER 2011:

Week  Dates Text Book: Network Security Essentials, Stallings 3rd Edition
1 06/21 - 01/23 06/21 STATED MEETING on Campus between 6-7:50pm just to meet and answer your questions and give you a bit more information about the content of the class.


Introduction: Security Services, Mechanisms, Attacks, Network Security Model, OSI security Architecture 

2 06/28 -  06/30 Introduction: Security Services, Mechanisms, Attacks, Network Security Model, OSI security Architecture 
3 07/05 - 07/07 Ch2 Symmetric Encryption and Message Confidentiality
4 07/12 - 07/14 Ch 3 Public-Key Cryptography and Message Authentication
5 07/19- 07/21 Ch 4 Authentication Applications (Kerberos)

07/19 Due date for First part of E-portfolio & WIKI Entries

6 07/26 - 07/28


07/26 Due date for grading first part of e-portfolio

Ch 4 Authentication Applications (Kerberos)

Ch  5 E-Mail Security (PGP & S/MIME)

7 08/02 - 08/04


08/02 MIDTERM, (6-7:50pm) (CHAPTERS 1-4 incl) (In-Person) (PLACE: VBT 221)

Ch  5 E-Mail Security (PGP & S/MIME)

8 08/09 - 08/11 Ch6 IP Security,
9 08/16 - 08/18

Ch 7 WEB Security (SSL/TLS) ,

10 08/23 - 08/26

Ch8 Network Management Security Ch 9-11 System Security (Intrusion Detection, Malicious Software, Firewalls)

08/26 DUE DATE for Second Part of  E-PORTFOLIOS & WIKI entries

11 08/30 Due date for grading final complete version of e-portfolio.

08/30 FINAL EXAM (6-7:50pm) (CHAPTERS 5-11)(In-Person)(PLACE: VBT 221)

This schedule is tentative. The instructor reserves the right to modify as necessary.