CS4525 Principles of Network Security

CS 6525 Network Security


Instructor: Dr. Levent ERTAUL

Office: SC-N154
Phone: (510) 885-3356
Email: levent.ertaul@csueastbay.edu
Web: http://www.mcs.csueastbay.edu/~lertaul

Class Schedule:

Section 01    Lecture: HY-ONLINE

Course Requirements

This class will be held hybrid online. The instructor will provide PowerPoint lectures with accompanying audio-video tracks and transcript.  Lecture videos and audios (mpeg) can be downloaded to iPod or iPhones. Students will  complete Homeworks and Lab assignments 

Major announcements related to class will be posted on my web site. (http://www.mcs.csueastbay.edu/~lertaul/) Check regularly announcement section from class web page. (http://www.mcs.csueastbay.edu/~lertaul/)

Students will receive the solutions of assignment problems and personal messages from their  Horizon E-mail accounts. So please check and clear your horizon e-mail accounts regularly.

Students will use TURNITIN application in blackboard to submit their assignments. FYI,  TURNITIN application has plagiarism filter built in . When students submit their assignments TURNITIN application  prepares an ORIGINALITY report. Students can see this report immediately. Originality reports which have greater then  %40 WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. These assignments will get 0 points. If the originality report is higher then %80, instructor will file plagiarism report.

Students will submit their Homeworks on time. 25 points will be cut for one day late Homeworks. Homeworks which are 2 days late WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. These homeworks will get 0 points. E-mail submissions WILL NOT be accepted. These homeworks will get 0 points.

Office hours will be held on SKYPE.  (Skype ID: CSUEBLERTAUL ) Students can talk with the instructor using SKYPE for their questions during office hours.


Course Description:

Principles of secure network communications. Techniques of authentication and identification, cryptographic key distribution and management, assurance of data integrity. Access Control. Security Policies.  E-mail security, IP security, WEB security, Network management security. Discussions of the system security such as Intruders, Malicious software, Firewalls. Various commercial standards and protocols such as SSL/TLS, IPSec, S/MIME, PGP,  X.509 certificates, PKI, Kerberos and VPN etc. Practical hacking  and defense techniques.

Prerequisites: NONE

Required Text: William Stallings, Network Security Essentials, 4th Edition.         

Description: http://vig-fp.prenhall.com/coverimage/0136108059.jpg

Description: http://vig-fp.prenhall.com/bigcovers/0136108059.jpg


Network Security Essentials: Applications and Standards, 4/E
William Stallings

ISBN-10: 0136108059
ISBN-13:  9780136108054

Publisher:  Prentice Hall
Copyright:  2011
Format:  Paper; 432 pp
Published:  03/12/2010


Optional Texts: Matt Bishop, Computer Security, Art and Science,    Charlie Kaufman, Network Security, 2nd ed;  Paul Campbell, Security + Guide to Network Security Fundamentals  and LAB Manual for Network Security


REFERENCE BOOKS for Practical Hacking and Defense Techniques.


CRC Press Online - Book: Practical Hacking Techniques and Countermeasures
Mark D. Spivey, Consultant, Tomball, Texas, USA

Description: http://www.crcpress.com/coverimage/?isbn=9780849370571&size=medium&flat=falsePrice:  $83.95
Cat. #:  AU7057
ISBN:  9780849370571
ISBN 10:  0849370574
Publication Date:  November 02, 2006
Number of Pages:  752





Description: http://vig-fp.prenhall.com/coverimage/0136122035.jpg

Description: http://vig-fp.prenhall.com/bigcovers/0136122035.jpg


Applied Information Security
Randy Boyle

ISBN-10: 0136122035
ISBN-13:  9780136122036

Publisher:  Prentice Hall
Copyright:  2010
Format:  Paper; 300 pp
Published:  07/16/2009


Description: Official Certified Ethical Hacker Review Guide, 1st Edition

Steven DeFino - Intense School

Barry Kaufman - Intense School

ISBN-10: 1435488539  ISBN-13: 9781435488533

384 Pages   Paperbound


Students will be able to

1.  Describe key network security requirements

2.  Present main concepts of symmetric cryptography (DES, AES algorithms)

3.  Present main concepts of a symmetric cryptography (RSA, Diffe-Hellman, ECC)

4.  Present an overview of the basic structure and usage of cryptographic hash functions (SHA-1, MD5)

5.  Present an overview of techniques for remote user authentication using symmetric encryptions (Kerberos)

6. Describe Web security threats and security approaches

7. Present an overview of Secure Socket Layer (SSL/TLS)

8. Present an overview of the operation of  PGP (Pretty Good Privacy)

9. Understand the functionality of S/MIME and security threats it addresses

10. Present an overview of IP security (IPsec)

11. Present an overview of Firewalls, Viruses and Intrusion Detection Systems

12. Practice different Hacking Techniques

13. Apply critical thinking and problem solving skills by analyzing security problems, designing solutions, and evaluating results.

14. Demonstrate communication skills in both written and oral form, and work in a team environment.(WIKI, EP and Discussion group activities)

15.   Independently and collaboratively acquire new network sec security skills through analysis of current computer science literature and industrial practices. (EP)



Course work and Grading:













Final Grades are based on total course %.