JAVATM NEURAL NETWORK TOOLKIT Wilfred Gander - Lorenzo Patocchi

//    TC problem.
//    Learn a T and a C drawn in a 3 pixel rect and roteated
//    by 90 degrees between each pattern
//  T's
//  ###  #     #     #
//   #   ###   #   ###
//   #   #    ###    #
//  C's
//  ###  ###  ###  # #
//  #    # #    #  # #
//  ###  # #  ###  ###
import jaNet.backprop.*;

public class myTCtrainer{

    public static final double FIRE =  1.0;
    public static final double DOWN = -1.0;

    public static void main(String args[]){
        BPN myBPN = null;
        BPN mySecondBPN = null;
        int layers[] = {9,5,1};
        String activations[] = {"jaNet.backprop.Sigmoidc","jaNet.backprop.Sigmoidc"};
            myBPN = new BPN(layers, activations);
        }catch(BPNException bpne){
            System.out.println("     Learn T and C letters");
            // Input table, 8 nine input patterns
            double in[][] = {{FIRE,  FIRE,  FIRE,  DOWN,  FIRE,  DOWN,  DOWN,  FIRE,  DOWN}, // T
                             {DOWN,  DOWN,  FIRE,  FIRE,  FIRE,  FIRE,  DOWN,  DOWN,  FIRE}, // T
                             {DOWN,  FIRE,  DOWN,  DOWN,  FIRE,  DOWN,  FIRE,  FIRE,  FIRE}, // T
                             {FIRE,  DOWN,  DOWN,  FIRE,  FIRE,  FIRE,  FIRE,  DOWN,  DOWN}, // T
                             {FIRE,  FIRE,  FIRE,  FIRE,  DOWN,  DOWN,  FIRE,  FIRE,  FIRE}, // C
                             {FIRE,  FIRE,  FIRE,  FIRE,  DOWN,  FIRE,  FIRE,  DOWN,  FIRE}, // C
                             {FIRE,  FIRE,  FIRE,  DOWN,  DOWN,  FIRE,  FIRE,  FIRE,  FIRE}, // C
                             {FIRE,  DOWN,  FIRE,  FIRE,  DOWN,  FIRE,  FIRE,  FIRE,  FIRE}  // C
            // Target table, 8 one output patterns
            double out[][] = {{DOWN},{DOWN},{DOWN},{DOWN},{FIRE},{FIRE},{FIRE},{FIRE}};

            // test what the network give without learning
            System.out.println("state at begin... "+myBPN);
            for(int i=0; i<in.length; i++){
                System.out.println(""+bool(in[i][0])+" "+bool(in[i][1])+" "+bool(in[i][2])+" -> XOR ->"+bool(myBPN.getOutputVector()[0]));
            // init learning variables
            double globalError = 10.0;
            double lowererror = 100.0;
            double thiserror;
            int counts = 0;
            // setup learning parameters
            // learn input table until the error is lower than 0.09 or we reach 10000 steps
            System.out.println("Perform until global error is lower than 0.09 or 10000 setps ...");
            while(globalError > 0.09 && counts < 10000){
                counts ++;
                // chose at random an input pattern
                int p = (int)(Math.random()*(double)in.length);
                // make learn the input pattern on order to reproduce
                // corresponding target
                // compute global error making the sum of errors of all patterns
                thiserror = myBPN.getError();
                globalError = 0.0;
                for(int i=0; i<in.length; i++){
                    globalError += 0.5 * (out[i][0] - myBPN.getOutputVector()[0])*(out[i][0] - myBPN.getOutputVector()[0]);
                // if we found a lower global error then print it
                if(globalError < lowererror){
                    System.out.println("state at "+counts+" single error is "+thiserror+" global error is "+globalError);
                    lowererror = globalError;
            // finally print last error
            System.out.println("state at the end, error is "+myBPN.getError());
            // test each input pattern, it should give output pattern table correctly
            for(int i=0; i<in.length; i++){
                // Take 'i'th pattern from input table and make it
                // propagate through the network

                // print this input pattern
                double input[] = in[i];
                System.out.print("input = {");
                for(int h=0; h<input.length; h++)
                    System.out.print(" "+bool(input[h]));
                System.out.print(" }  ");

                // Fetch output result from the network
                double output[] = myBPN.getOutputVector();
                System.out.print("output = {");
                for(int h=0; h<output.length; h++)
                    System.out.print(" "+bool(output[h]));
                // print output table (right result)
                System.out.println(" }    right is "+bool(out[i][0]));
            // Save the resulting netwok in a file
            System.out.println("load ./tc.bpn and check if it works still good ...");
            // Load the network structure from the file tc.bpn
            mySecondBPN = new BPN(".","tc.bpn");
            for(int i=0; i<in.length; i++){

                double input[] = in[i];
                System.out.print("input = {");
                for(int h=0; h<input.length; h++)
                    System.out.print(" "+bool(input[h]));
                System.out.print(" }  ");

                double output[] = mySecondBPN.getOutputVector();
                System.out.print("output = {");
                for(int h=0; h<output.length; h++)
                    System.out.print(" "+bool(output[h]));
                System.out.println(" }    right is "+bool(out[i][0]));

        }catch(BPNException bpne){
    public static String bool(double x){
        return (x>0.5)? "true ":(x< -0.5)? "false": "undef";

© 1996 ISBiel by W.Gander & L.Patocchi