CS6825: Computer Vision

Sample Code

Zip file

Above is zipped up sample code that you can use to start you on developing imaging applications. YOU ARE encouraged to
alter the code to your own style AND to conform to your project needs and requirements. Note, that an (unfortunate) mixture of awt and swing are used to produce the GUI....you are more than welcome to update it to use only swing,etc. A pleasing
and easy to use interface is necessary and an important part of a usable computer vision /imaging system. Included are the following java files (there are more):

ImageApplication.java : main application class, has GUI

QuitDialog: dialog class, pops-up to confirm user wishes to exit application

AboutDialog.java : about dialog class, pops-up to tell you about application

ImageFrame.java: this is the secondary frame that pops-up when you open up an image. Displays image and lets you
save raw data (not as jpeg/gif) and hide this window.

ImageData.java: this is a class that represents the image data.

(unzipped directory)

TIP: to create an image from a data array. You can have a class that extends java.awt.Component (and hence inheirits its createImage method). This createImage method that it inherits requires an instance of the ImageProducer class. You can use the class java.awt.MemoryImageSource class to get you this instance directly from the data array. You will have something like this:

//Now create Image using new MemoryImageSource
// where data is stored in pixels array.
return ( super.createImage(new MemoryImageSource(cols, rows, pixels, 0, cols)));

//NOTE: pixel array was made in following fashion

pixels[index] = (255 << 24) | (red[index] << 16) | (green[index] << 8) | blue[index];

Also, included in zip are files needed to load Visual Cafe project file (this is an OLD IDE we dont use anymore so you can ignore these) called SampleProject

© Lynne Grewe