Project 1
(due Nov 13) (points: 100)
class reviewed
Your are going to create an interactive Web-based tutorial that you will
give in-class. You will work in groups of 2 people. Select a topic from
the list presented below or choose your own vision/imaging-related topic
(if you choose your own you must have it approved by the instructor first).
Search our library and on the Internet for information, images, research,
etc. on this topic. Review materials and save all references including
both library materials and on-line site locations (URL) as well as create
a review/summary of the information in each piece of review material.
See the requirements below for the on-line tutorial and presentation components
of this project.
On-line Tutorial Requirements:
- (10 points) Format: You must implement the tutorial as a web
tutorial. That can mean using simply HTML with supporting media or more
advanced tools like MM authoring tools. Navigation should be easy. Look
and Feel appropriate and engaging. It should also not take too long
to load pages. Tip: think about using thumbnail images, and other techniques
to allow users to be able to get the idea without having to wait for
a long time and yet allow them to view the images in more detail if
- (10 points) Mixed-Media: You must have a minimum of 5 pictures
or diagrams illustrating the concept you are discussing. As appropriate
include video or audio also. If you borrow images, you must reference
in the legend where you retrieved them from.
- (10 points) Organization: The tutorial should be organized.
It SHOULD not look like a long paper simply poped-up on the web. You
should have a nice intro page with an easy navigation scheme present
throughout the site's pages.
- (10 points) Originality: Your writing should be original. You
can NOT paraphrase large blocks of text. If you need to paraphrase smaller
items, you need to refer to the article in which the text comes from
and surround the text with quotes. You should keep to a bare minimum
the number of times you paraphrase others words.
- (10 points) Length: Someone should be able to complete the
tutorial within 30 minutes, and it should minimally take 15 minutes
- (20 points) Level of Detail: This is a graduate level course
and as such, I expect that you will delve into your topic at a sufficient
level of detail for the audience to be able to understand how things
are implemented or created and with possible reference to other articles
(that you quote) be able to recreate or build the system(s) described.
For example:
- If you are discussing a topic that involves the development of
software or algorithms, you should present a minimum of one algorithm
or piece of code on the topic. You should discuss how the algorithm
works and if there are alternatives compare them to others, summarizing
with what you think (and others may think) are superior algorithms
(and why). Also, give the user an idea when you might apply one
technique over another.
- If you are discussing a topic that is hardware-based, you should
discuss the various hardware options, the components of the hardware
system(s), how the hardware works, the conditions under which the
hardware system(s) should be used, the output format of the hardware.
Discuss the limitations of the hardware and assumptions made about
the working environment. Contrast and compare different hardware
system(s) that may accomplish the same or similar (or different
if appropriate) goals.
- (10 points) Annotated Bibliography: You are required to
have links in your on-line tutorial to an annotated bibliography. You
must have a minimum of 5 different references (please note different
pages on the same web-site do NOT count). Throughout your on-line tutorial,
each time you wish to quote a reference, it should be represented by
a number that is hyper-text linked to the annotated bibliography. In
this bibliography page, you will have listed in order of appearance
(hence the numbers) your references each followed by an annotation of
the contents of the reference. Specifically, you must include not only
the title, author, date, source, but also, a sysnopsis, and a reliability
rating. For example, for the second reference you would have:
[2] "Java is Great", Lynne Grewe, PC Weekly, May, 1996., p.g. 21-33.
synopsis: this is a journal article that discusses the benefits
Java brings to the programming world and contrasts it with other
high-level languages.
reliablity: L. Grewe is an independent researcher and professor.
PC Weekly is an popular computer industry magazine that publishes
technical articles, mainly to a non-research but, technical audience.
- Publication: You should post your on-line tutorial to your
ebox account. You are responsible for fully testing your tutorial.
Presentation Requirements:
Also, you will present a 15-20 minute talk in class during which time
you will go through your tutorial. Student groups will be scheduled throughout
the term(see instructor). You are to take the class to at least five related
sites on the Internet (or present information if FTPed) from within your
presentation tutorial. Bring the other reference material
you used if possibe with you to your presentation for students to look
at. The students will use the following form to review your presentation.
See below for grading criteria
Grading Criteria:
Your grade will be termined in part through peer review. Here is the
80% of points for minimum tutorial requirements as stipulated above.
Determined by instructor.
20% of points determined by your peers. The following evalution will
be completed by each of the other groups and you will recieve an average
of the values. The following form will be used:
peer review form
- Image Databases
- 3D Imaging
- Virtual Reality
- Games and Imagery in them.
- Face Recognition
- Optical Character Recognition
- Imaging for the Visually Disabled
- Image/Video Compression.
- Edge Detection
- Imaging Special Effects
- Stereo Vision
- Robot Vision
- Holography
- Remote Sensing
- Image Texture
- Color Spaces for Images