Literature Review

  1. Federal Response Plan - Describes the structure for the systematic, coordinated, and effective delivery of Federal assistance to address the consequences of any major disaster or emergency.

  2. CIMS Freature Comparison Report - Outlines a set of priorities the DOJ looks for in CIMS.

  3. Models of Incident Management -
  4. Response98 - FEMA sponsored exercise, inclues GIS images, maps, planning and evaluation for hurricane relief.

  5. FEMA's Mapping and Analysis Center(MAC) - Explains how GIS images are used and also includes sample maps.

  6. Disaster Field Training Operations - Standard Operating Procedures.

  7. List of hazards - and related fact sheets

  8. NEO: Agent Crisis Response - Role of Intelligent Agents in an escalating Noncombatant Evacuation Operation (NEO) - developed by CMU.

  9. Governer's Office of Emergency Services (OES) - Look in 'Plans and Publications' for Emergency Management in California.

  10. Intoduction to Mobile Agents

Technical References

  1. Crisis98 - Infrastrcture for a Crisis Management System - Navigate back to SDSU's site for demo

  2. A Commmand and Control Support System Using CORBA - IEEE

  3. Toward a Scalable Design for Command and Control Systems - IEEE

  4. A Novel Approach to Asynchronous, Decentralized Decision-Making in Military Command and Control - Tony Lee, Brown Univ

  5. Object Technology for the Integration of the Infrastructure, Data Manager, and Tracker for Command and Control Applications - Michael D. Gates, Peter C. Krupp, John A. Maurer, Michael A. Squadrito, Bhavani M. Thuraisingham, Thomas M. Wheeler - MITRE Corp

  6. EVOLVABLE REAL-TIME C3 SYSTEMS - Bhavani Thuraisingham, Peter Krupp, Arkady Kanevsky, Edward Bensley, Ruth Ann Sigel, Michael Squadrito, Alice Schafer, Mike Gates, Thomas Wheeler - The MITRE Corporation

  7. EVOLVABLE REAL-TIME C3 SYSTEMS - II: REAL-TIME INFRASTRUCTURE REQUIREMENTS - Bhavani Thuraisingham, Peter Krupp, Arkady Kanevsky, Edward Bensley, Ruth Ann Sigel, Michael Squadrito, Alice Schafer, Mike Gates, Thomas Wheeler The MITRE Corporation

  8. Adaptable Real-Time Distributed Object Management for Command and Control Systems - John Maurer, Roman Ginis, Richard Freedman, Michael Squadrito, Steven Wohlever, Bhavani Thuraisingham The MITRE Corporation

  9. Distributed REal-time Air Defense System* - JAnand Manikutty Shashidhar Merugu, G. Manimxan C.Siva Ram MuGhy, Department of Computer Science and Engineering - Indian Institute of Technology

  10. GUARDS: A Generic Upgradable Architecture for Real-Time Dependable Systems - D. Powell, Member, IEEE, J. Arlat, Member, IEEE, L. Beus-Dukic,A. Bondavalli, Member, IEEE Computer Society, P. Coppola, A. Fantechi, E. Jenn, C. Rabe¬ jac, and A. Wellings

  11. Crisis Response Planning: A Task Analysis

Visualization/GUI related

  1. Adapting to User Preferences in Crisis Response - Wayne Iba and Melinda Gervasio- Institute for the Study of Learning and Expertise

  2. Evaluating Computational Assistance for Crisis Response - Wayne Iba Melinda Gervasio Pat Langley Stephanie Sage

  3. Using Models and Simulations to Visualize NMD C3: Lessons Learned - Carol H. Daniel, W. J. Schafer Associates, Inc.

  4. Interactive Adaptation for Crisis Response - Wayne Iba Melinda Gervasio Pat Langley Stephanie Sage

  5. Crisis response planning: a task analysis (extended abstract). - Gervasio, M. T. & Iba, W. (1997).

  6. Crisis response planning: a task analysis. Preliminary technical report. - Iba, W. & Gervasio, M. T. (1997).

  7. Case-based seeding for an interactive crisis response assistant - Gervasio, M. T., Iba, W., & Langley, P. (1998).Case-Based Reasoning Integrations: Papers from the 1998 Workshop (Technical Report WS-98-15) (pp. 61-66) AAAI Press, American Association for Artificial Intelligence.

Looking for these....

  • Egelhoff, W. G. & F. Sen An information-processing model of crisis management Management Communication Quarterly 5(4) pp. 443-484
  • Housel, T. J., O. A. El Sawy, & P. F. Donovan 1986 Information systems for crisis management: lessons from Southern California Edison MIS Quarterly December pp.389-400
  • Nunamaker, J., R. S. Weber, and M. chen 1989 Organizational Crisis management Systems: Planning for Intelligent Action J. Management Information Systems 5(4) pp. 7-32
  • An Intelligent-Agent Based Decision Support System for a Complex Command and Control Application-P.V. Petrov, A.D. Stoyen 6th IEEE International Conference on Complex Computer Systems (ICECCS'00) September 11 - 15, 2000 Tokyo, Japan
  • A novel approach to asynchronous, decentralized decision-making in military command and control - T. Lee, S. Ghosh , Div. of Eng., Brown Univ., Providence, RI, USA Second International Symposium on Autonomous Decentralized Systems (ISADS'95) April 25 - 27, 1995 Phoenix, Arizona, USA p. 0025
  • Object-oriented implementation of an infrastructure and data manager for real-time command and control systems- E. Bensley, P. Krupp, R.A. Sigel, M. Squadrito, B. Thuraisingham, T. Wheeler 2nd Workshop on Object-Oriented Real-Time Dependable Systems (WORDS '96) February 01 - 02, 1996 Laguna Beach, CA

Dr. Grewe's list

  1. Angeli R, Odendahl C. Maritime enterprise integration tool. Multi- agent system supporting dynamic co-operation in the maritime industry. [Journal Paper] Industrie Management, vol.17, no.6, 2001, pp.41-4. Publisher: GITO-Verlag, Germany.

  2. Kuwata Y, Ishikawa Y, Ohtani H. An architecture for command and control in disaster response systems. [Conference Paper] 2000 26th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society. IECON 2000. 2000 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Electronics, Control and Instrumentation. 21st Century Technologies and Industrial Opportunities (Cat. No.00CH37141). IEEE. Part vol.1, 2000, pp.120-5 vol.1. Piscataway, NJ, USA.

  3. PDF Mendonca D, Wallace WA. Development of a decision logic to support group improvisation: an application to emergency response. [Conference Paper] Proceedings of the 35th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences. IEEE Comput. Soc. 2002, pp.2882-8. Los Alamitos, CA, USA.

  4. PDF Hall B, Kohsia Huang, Trivedi M. A televiewing system for multiple simultaneous customized perspectives and resolutions. [Conference Paper] ITSC 2001. 2001 IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems. Proceedings (Cat. No.01TH8585). IEEE. 2001, pp.657-62. Piscataway, NJ, USA.

  5. PDF Iba W, Gervasio M. Adaptive assistance for crisis response. [Conference Paper] Adaptive User Interfaces. Papers from the 20000 AAAI Symposium. AAAI Press. 2000, pp.48-9. Menlo Drive, CA, USA.

  6. Suzuki R, Makihata K, Isogai M, Arakawa Y. Network distributed safety information inquiry system. [Journal Paper] Transactions of the Institute of Electronics & Communication Engineers of Japan, Part B, vol.J83-B, no.6, June 2000, pp.814-23. Publisher: Inst. Electron. Inf. & Commun. Eng, Japan.

  7. PDF Derekenaris G, Garofalakis J, Makris C, Prentzas J, Sioutas S, Tsakalidis A. An information system for the effective management of ambulances. [Conference Paper] Proceedings 13th IEEE Symposium on Computer-Based Medical Systems. CBMS 2000. IEEE Comput. Soc. 2000, pp.269-73. Los Alamitos, CA, USA.

  8. Arutyunyan RV, Linge II, Osip'yants IA, Pavlovskii OA, Panchenko SV, Shishkin AV, Kabalevskii SA. New technologies in exercises and training programs on scientific and technical support of decision-making in the event of accidents at nuclear power plants. [Journal Paper] Energetika, no.1, 1999, pp.104-9. Publisher: Allerton Press, Russia.

  9. Naganoh M, Taniai M, Ikeda J, Itoh N. Earthquake emergency response scenario simulator. [Conference Paper] Risk Analysis. First International Conference on Computer Simulation in Risk Analysis and Hazard Mitigation. Comput. Mech. Publications/WIT Press. 1998, pp.157- 67. Southampton, UK.

  10. Hill B, Long J. Issues with modelling a complex dynamic planning and control system. [Journal Paper] Hci Letters, vol.1, no.1, 1998, pp.9- 12. Publisher: Springer-Verlag, UK.

  11. Baker B. Public safety and law enforcement: ALERT. [Conference Paper] Int. Council Inf. Technol. Gov. Adm. Ica Information, no.66, 1998, pp.261-3. UK.

  12. Hampton D, Briscoe K, Smith R. Enhanced methods for the collection of on-scene information by emergency medical system providers. [Conference Paper] Computers in Cardiology 1998. Vol. 25 (Cat. No.98CH36292). IEEE. 1998, pp.221-4. New York, NY, USA.

  13. Stytz MR, Banks SB, Garcia BW, Godsell-Stytz GM. Distributed virtual environment for emergency medical training. [Conference Paper] SPIE-Int. Soc. Opt. Eng. Proceedings of Spie - the International Society for Optical Engineering, vol.3085, 1997, pp.174-84. USA.

  14. Kanecki DH. How one could use the Intelligent, Thinking Systems 1 and 2 (2 dimensional and 3 dimensional Neural Chess) in emergency management and planning. [Conference Paper] Simulation in Synthetic Environments '96. 1996 Simulation for Emergency Management. Proceedings of the 1996 Simulation Multiconference. SCS. 1996, pp.49-56. San Diego, CA, USA.

  15. PDF Qiwei Zhu, Stillman MJ. Design of an expert system for emergency response to a chemical spill. 2. ERexpert module design and development. [Journal Paper] Journal of Chemical Information & Computer Sciences, vol.35, no.6, Nov.-Dec. 1995, pp.956-68. USA.

  16. Ragade RK, Witten M, Cassaro MA, Alemu NY, Cole J, Bhaskar NR, Knowles D, Seshadri M. A nucleus of a cooperative model-based information management system for hazards and disaster emergency management. [Conference Paper] Computer Systems and Education. Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Systems and Education in Honour of Prof. V. Rajaraman. Tata McGraw-Hill. 1994, pp.351-69. New Delhi, India.

  17. Dai Jianshe, Wang Shuning, Yang Xiaoyin. Computerized support systems for emergency decision making. [Conference Paper] Annals of Operations Research, vol.51, Sept. 1994, pp.315-25. Switzerland.

  18. Hwang JD, Wofsy LA. Automated decision support for the emergency manager. [Conference Paper] MILCOM '92 - 'Communications - Fusing Command, Control and Intelligence' Conference Record (Cat. No. 92CH3131-0). IEEE. 1992, pp.130-3 vol.1. New York, NY, USA.

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© Lynne Grewe