Instructors Score: 20% presentation , 60% tutorial = 48/80 Author: Gang Liu Oral : ___0____points/10points PRESENTATION NOT COMPLETED 1) How well organized was the presentation: N/A 2) Did the presentation discuss enough details about the subject that you understood how application systems were developed: N/A 3) Were technical algorithms or system details discussed: N/A 4) Did the presenter discuss applications of the system: N/A Comments: Tutorial: _______8_________points/10points Your tutorial is very complete. As you were very honest about the fact that you copied and pasted all of the text to make the tutorial, I will consider this in the grading of this project. I like honesty. Next time come to me and we can discuss your references and help you understand what you are reading better so that you can create the tutorial yourself. Because of how you composed it (cut-and-paste), I am going to take off points for this and it is somewhat silly to review it in the normal sense. 5) How well organized was the tutorial: It was well organized. The HTML links and navigation was easy to use. 6) Did the tutorial discuss enough details about the subject that you understood how application systems were developed: Yes 7) Were technical algorithms or system details discussed: Yes 8) Were limitations of the system/algorithm discussed along with output formats: Yes Comments: SEE ABOVE