CS6825: Computer Vision word cloud

How to get started on your Project 3 using Google Cloud Vision OR Tensorflow

  1. If you are using Google CLoud vision -  You can make a copy of your OpenCV project 2   (and make sure it runs) then add the support for Google Cloud vision as detailed on our website at http://algebra.sci.csueastbay.edu/~grewe/CS6825/Mat/GoogleCloudVision/GoogleCloudAPIFROMAndroidViaREST.html

  2. If you are using Tensorflow for your project  - read over the TensorflowTensorflow resources.   THEN:


  4. If you need to train your own tensorflow model:   

SPECIAL TIP on taking output of training mode and getting into .pb format for use in Android/iOS apps

SEE https://hackernoon.com/running-a-tensorflow-model-on-ios-and-android-ce89446c8143




SPECIAL TIP on VISUALIZING the pb trained file using TensorBoard tool


it uses the script import_pb_to_tensorboard.py script that is installed automaticall
for you when you installed Tensorflow (for python) from official site


Here is how you run it.

STEP 1: go to directory where your import_pb_to_tensorboard.py installed (or clarify by path) and type

python import_pb_to_tensorboard.py --model_dir C:\YOUR_PATH\YOUR_TENSORFLOW_GRAPH.pb --log_dir C:\directoryWantLogResults 

STEP 2: now that model imported for use with tensorboard tool run it by typing:

tensorboard --logdir C:\directoryWantLogResults 

STEP 3: now go to a Webbrowsers to see results at http://localhost:6006

visualizaiton of the model/graph in your pb file

© Lynne Grewe