Converting from an analog to a digital image.
The rule to convert
E = Expected value{(pixel- newpixel)*(pixel-newpixel )}
= mean squared error
square error= (pixel value - new value)
expected value = a type of average or mean
If we try to minimize this error this leads to the following equation
Qk= (Zk+1+Zk) / 2
So, Steps to follow are:
Basically, it is function of image content
You want more levels (Z values) in greyvalue or color ranges in which much
of the image pixels fall.
1. Loss from sampling?
Over-Sampling = when you have more samples than you need
Under-Sampling = not enough samples are used
How many samples do you need?
You need 2 times the Nyquest rate.
Nyquest rate= function of highest frequency in the image
highest frequency in image = function of fastest varying spatial patter in
the image = f(how fast things change)
2. Loss from Quantization?
There is always loss from process of quantization