CS6825: Computer Vision word cloud

Project 4: Visualization

Due   Dec. 6
(points 200)


Letter Requesting Data

Literature Review Index

Evaluation Guidelines

    You are to write a GUI Java application that will perform Visualization of data from Project 3, Breast Cancer feature detection. You will visualize the data as well as th certainty and the importance of the data. It is typically the case that in any given analysis of a possible tumor some features will be of more importance to others. Additionally, when calculating metrics involving the features, there is associated certainty with them.

    The goal of our Visualization Application is to presenting data in such a manner that users are made aware of the locations and degree and if possible the meaning of data and its uncertainties. This is a unique project in that there is right solution to this problem and every person may have different ideas on how to visualize this information. Part of this work is to review what others have done in this area (visualiztion, uncertainty visualization, display of breast cancer detection results) and to propose something unique in the way that your system works. Here are some techinques/visual queues some of which have been used in previous generic visualization research

    • Opaqueness-Transparency
    • Icons/glyphs
    • Color (psuedo-coloring or color representation)
    • Brightness/Intensity
    • Texture
    • Atmospheric Effects (mine, i.e could make misty/foggy areas of uncertainty, related but different than opaqueness-transparency)
    • Adding/Altering Geometry
    • Layers (mine, 1-each kind of uncertainty could have a separate layer that you could hide..i.e. Photoshop, 2-each new report,if appropriate, of an uncertainty could be in its own layer, again that you could hide as in Photoshop)
    • Focus
    • Pop-up textual information (mine)
    • Animations
    • Time Fadding (mine, i.e. disappears in time)
    • Sounds (volume, key, duration, fade)


Why is there unceratinty and kinds of data:

There is all kinds of data that one can imagine you would wish to visualize that would posses uncertainty. Some of your detected breast cancer features may be already in a visual form such as pixels belonging to the mass.    However, others like possibly your measure of texture is not.    So, the task of visualizing the data as well as visualizing its importance and its certainty must be accomplished.

With each different kind of data, different kinds of uncertainties can exist.

System Extensibility

Consider carefully how you can make this system generic as possible. Consider if you were to have different kinds of data and uncertain informaiton comming in. Possibly, you can have the user enter the kinds/classes of information that could possibly be presented to the system and have the program automatically choose the visualization technique(s) for displaying each kind of information. This could be done with the definition of a kind of file, like and XML file(and its format), the user would need to create (or the output of the breast cancer system) and give to the system along with the data. Another possibility is for the user to interactively enter in this information.


System Interface Functionality

Along with simply displaying the information and uncertainties visually to the user, you can offer the user interface tools to alter the display of the data so that they in a sense can analyze the data visually through manipulating it. Some ideas here can include:

  • allowing the user to filter/select what kinds of data they want displayed. This is usefull when there is more than one data file that must be visualized at the same time. Only display texture features and not shape for example.
  • allow user to select what levels of importance may be displayed (e.g. only display features with imporance >50% or only display top 2 important features)
  • allowing the user to select what levels of uncertainties may be displayed (e.g. only display uncertainties <10%, etc.)
  • allowing the user to zoom into the data

The Process

Click here to see an outline of the stages of this project. You will work in teams of 2 to 4 and present the running program and the results to your classmates.  As part of the literature review stage, (see stages) your group will lead a class discussion on the review of 3 papers on the subject of Uncertainty Visualization. Your other classmates should from this discussion understand how the system generally works. You are to post to blackboard the papers (if they are in electronic form) or their references that you will be reviewing ahead of time.

You will be given time in class to work on this project but, it may require time outside of class.

After you demonstrate to the class how your system works, the rest of your classmates will take the following survey to give you feedback.


Other Requirements:

1) The program must accept either JPEG or GIF images.

2)  Program should be a Java GUI applicaiton that you compress into a JAR file for easy use.

3) See other requirements above and below.

Some tips:

    • See the comments in the code, to help you get started.
    • Change the loading of any images to use MediaTraker class to make sure the image loaded successfully.
    • For images, you will need to use PixelGrabber class to grab data into an array that you can manipulate.


  1. HTML paper on how you designed your Visualization System.  Describe your approach and why you decided to take it. Show results on the data sets above. Discuss how you might improve your algorithms.
    Upload HTML w/images, etc. to one person's server account. Print out this HTML paper and write on top the URL of its location.
  2. Fully comment and test out program.
  3. Turn in diskette with all java code and compiled class files needed to run the program. IF YOU use additional classes not in standard Java, you need to have all of the files here...make a JAR file.
  4. Printout of code, fully commented, with YOUR NAME ON TOP, and INSTRUCTIONS ON HOW TO RUN THE CODE FROM YOUR DISKETTE.
  5. A one-page describing how code is structured and the state of how it works.
  6. Print outs of screen shots of program working showing the results of: image loading and display of image before and after processing.
  7. Discuss your literature review in class, your group is to lead the discussion on 3 papers.
  8. Participate in reviewing other systems via survey form


I found the following links of the web that may be helpful. Search yourself for previous research in this area.

1) Uncertainty visualiztion: http://www.cse.ucsc.edu/research/slvg/unvis.html

[2] Penn State's Uncertainty Vis. center http://www.geovista.psu.edu/research/uncertainty/

[3] Howard, D., and A. M. MacEachren. 1996. Interface design for geographic visualization: Tools for representing reliability. Cartography and Geographic Information Systems 23:59-77.

[4] Fauerbach, E., Edsall, R., Barnes, D., & MacEachren, A. (1996). Visualization of uncertainty in meteorological forecast models. M.J. Kraak & M. Molenaar (Eds.), Proceedings of the International Symposium on Spatial Data Handling (pp. 465-476), Delft, The Netherlands, August 12-16: Taylor & Francis.

[5] MacEachren, A.M. (1992). Visualizing Uncertain Information. Cartographic Perspectives, 13(Fall), 10-19.

[6] Evans, B.J. (1997). Dynamic display of spatial data-reliability: does it benefit the user? Computers & Geosciences, special issue on Exploratory Cartographic Visualization, 23(4), 409-422.

[7] International Community for Auditory Display

[8] To request Thesis on "Data Uncertainty Sonification and Visualization"

[9] van der Wel, Frans J. M. ; van der Gaag, Linda C. ; Gorte, Ben G. H. "Visual exploration of uncertainty in remote-sensing classification." Computers and Geosciences v. 24 no4 (May '98) p. 335-43

[10] Davis, Trevor J. ; Keller, C. Peter. "Modelling and visualizing multiple spatial uncertainties"  Computers and Geosciences v. 23 (May '97) p. 397-408

[11] Ehlschlaeger, Charles R. ; Shortridge, Ashton M. ; Goodchild, Michael F. ": Visualizing spatial data uncertainty using animation." Computers and Geosciences v. 23 (May '97) p. 387-95

[12]Mahoney, Diana Phillips. "The picture of uncertainty" Computer Graphics World v. 22 no11 (Nov. 1999) p. 44-6?

[13] Suresh K. Lodha, Catherine M. Wilson, Bob Sheehan, "LISTEN: Sounding Uncertainty Visualization", IEEE Visualization '96 , p.???

[14] C. M. Wittenbrink, A. T. Pang and S. K. Lodha, "Glyphs for Visualizing Uncertainty in Environmental Vector Fields", IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, September 1996, pp. 266-279

[15] A. T. Pang, C. M. Wittenbrink and S. K. Lodha, "Approaches to Uncertainty Visualization", Visual Computer, November 1997, Vol.13, pp. 370-390.

[16] Goodchild, M.F., Buttenfield, B.P. and J. Wood. 1995. Introduction to Visualizing Data Validity. In H.M. Hearnshaw and D.J. Unwin (eds) Visualization in GIS. New York: Wiley.

© Lynne Grewe