CS6825: Computer Vision word cloud

"Point" based Image Processing Alogrithms

We discuss some of the Simplest image processing aglorithms. These include: thresholding, conversion, contrast stretching, threshold equalization, inversion, subtraction, averaging, grey level slicing, and bitplane slicing. This is not a substitution for reading....it is not complete

What all of these processes have in common is that they can be thought of as "Point Processes", meaning that they algorithm operates on one point or pixel at a time. Consider the case of producing a binary image from a greyscale image using thresholding. This is accomplished by comparing each pixel value with the threshold and consequently changing the pixel value.

One way that we can write "Point Processes is in terms of thier transformation function, T() as follows:
Pnew[r,c]  =  T(P[r,c])transformation

Where r= row, c= column (indicating the pixel location) and P[r,c] is the original image's pixel value at r,c. Pnew[] is the new pixel value. For each of the algorithms discussed, there will be a different transformation function.



We use this process to create a binary image from a greyscale image. However the general technique can be applied to produce a greyscale with a reduced range of values or a color image with a reduce range of colors, etc. Notice that in the algorithm below we visit the pixels in a raster scan fashion as discussed in class.
for(r=0; r<M; r++)

for(c=0; c<N; c++)


    if(P[r,c] < Threshold)

      Pnew[r,c] = 0;


      Pnew[r,c] = 255;


Conversion Sound

In this case you will convert a color image to a greyscale image and the algorithm is presented below. Other types of conversions include converting a full color image (24bit/pixel) to a 8bit Color image (using a Color LUT).
for(r=0; r<M; r++)

for(c=0; c<N; c++)


    Pnew[r,c] = (Red[r,c] + Green[r,c] + Blue[r,c])/3;



Contrast Stretching

Contrast Stretching


This algorithm produces what you can think of as the negative of the image. Below shows how you would do this for a greyscale image.
for(r=0; r<M; r++)

for(c=0; c<N; c++)


   Pnew[r,c] = 255 - P[r,c];


What would the transformation function look like? It is a straight line at 45 degrees.




    | \

    |   \

    |    \

   0|      \  


    0       255  in


Grey Level Slicing Sound

This is an effect that can be used to highlight a portion of the greyscale range. Consider a greyscale image of some coins. There are coins made of silver and pennies made of copper. If you wanted to sort out the pennies they would correspond to the darker grey circular objects in the image. Hence you could highlight them in the image by mapping the midlevel grey values to white and the rest to black. Below is what the transformation function would look like for this case:


 255|  ___

    |  | |

    |  | |

    |  | |

    |  | | 

   0|  | |     


    0        255  in


What would the algorithm be to implement the above transformation?

BitPlane Slicing Sound

BitPlane slicing is similar to greylevel slicing but, here we examine the bits used to represent each pixel and set certain bits to 0 and leave the others untouched.

If you had a greyscale image, meaning 8 bits are used to represent each pixel, and you sliced off the highest bit the following would be the Transformation produced. How could you implement this in C/C++? (Tip: there is a more efficient way than testing the greylevel value against thresholds.... hint think about masking the value).





    |   /    /

    |  / |  / |

    | /  | /  |


    0   128   255  in


Image Subtraction Sound

Image Subtraction is the pixel-by-pixel subtraction of one image from another. One use of Image Subtraction is the removal of the background. Consider the application of detecting people that come up to an ATM machine's camera. If you had a picture of the stationary background, and subtracted it from a current image, then only the new items in the scene for example a person, would be visible. The algorithm is shown below where I1 and I2 represent the two images.
for(r=0; r<M; r++)

for(c=0; c<N; c++)


   Pnew[r,c] = I1[r,c] - I2[r,c];


green Subtract green background to get only duck (Green screen technology)

Image Averaging Sound

Image Averaging is the pixel-by-pixel averaving of two images. One use of Image Averaging is the reduction of noise in the scene. Below is the algorithm where I1 and I2 are the two images. Ofcourse more than two images can be averaged together.
for(r=0; r<M; r++)

for(c=0; c<N; c++)


   Pnew[r,c] = (I1[r,c] + I2[r,c])/2;


green add  Add to duck picture (after subtracted green background)
an image of a person in black.


Example showing use of some of the operations listed above

---security: where is the GUN?

NOTE:  IR = infrared image

       MMW = milimeter wave image

IR image MMW image IR image morphologically filtered 5x5 MMW image morphologically filtered 5x5 IR filtered image thresholded MMW filtered image thresholded

IR and MMW images fused

IR and MMW filtered images fused

© Lynne Grewe