CS6825: Computer Vision word cloud

Installing the OpenCVManager apk on an Emulator (so you can run your OpenCV app on Emulator)

If you want to run your OpenCV application on the Emulator and NOT on a device for initial debugging you can do it but, you have to get the OpenCVManager.apk file loaded to your Emulator. THIS IS NOT REALLY FUN --but, NOT HARD


SPECIAL NOTE: EVEN if you do the items below ---it may be that your Emulator still can not TALK to your computer's Web Camera and you need to be prepared for this and in this case you must run on an emaulator.



NOTE: apk is the name of a application file --OpenCVManager is an already existing Android Application you need to install on your device so OpenCV can work asynchronously.

NOTE: remember when you were running on your devices it was first time installing the OpenCVManager for you automatically when it saw you tried to launch your application that needed it...Unfortunately, the emulator is not that smart and we have to "maually" install it


You Must do this Each TIME you Launch a New Emulator --manually install OpenCVManager apk

Run adb to install the apk

  1. Go to directory where you have installed the Android SDK Platform tools (if you forgot search on your computer for the program adb.exe)

  2. Runn the following command where everything in GREEN is replaced with the appropriate location of the OpenCV apk you are installing and its name.

adb /path_to_your_OpenCVManagerAPKFile/OpenCVManager_VERSION.apk

below you can see the name of the file I installed is OpenCV_2.4.10_Manager_2.19_x86.apk




QUESTION: I notice there are multiple apks for OpenCV manager---which do I use?

Answer: install the one appropriate to your emulator. If you install the wrong one it will tell you an error message like the following ---then install the better one.

First UNINSTALL the wrong one --by selecting it in the emulator and dragging it over to Uninstall label as shown below


Now if you look at how you have defined your AVD (Emulator) and the available OpenCVManager apks ---I think you can see that the one for me would be the armv7a (ALSO READ THIS)


HERE I install for my emulator the right apk


When I run the newly installed CORRECT OpenCVManager I get YEAH!!!



© Lynne Grewe