Images and Noise

An image signal can have noise introduced at many stages including digitization, or transmission. There are two types of noise that are of specific interest in image analysis.

Noise is usually described by its probabilistic characteristics.

Shot Noise Example

Reducing Noise through Ensembles of Images

Suppose that we take one picture of a scene, then another, and another, and another. Because of random variations in light, the random distribution of molecules of air in the path of the light, the random distribution of silver-halide grains in film, etc., we'll never quite get exactly the same picture twice.

We can consider the picture, P(r,c) as a random variable from which we sample an ensemble of images from the space of all possibilities. This ensemble has a mean (average) image, which we'll denote as Pmean(r,c).

As with most stochastic processes, if we sample enough images, the ensemble mean approaches the noise-free original signal.

So, one way to often eliminate noise is to take a lot of pictures. However, this usually isn't feasible.

If we compare the strength of a signal or image (the mean of the ensemble) to the variance between individual acquired images we get a signal-to-noise ratio, SNR:

        SNR  =   mean/standard_deviation

A high signal-to-noise ratio indicates a relatively clean signal or image; a low signal-to-noise ratio indicates that the noise is great enough to impair our ability to discern the signal in it.

In-Class Assignment/Exercise
The files Orig_N*.jpg contains a sequence of images corrupted by noise. Average any number (2..4) of these images together to reduce the noise. Display the result. Why does this work? How many is enough? How can you tell?

Original Image

Reducing Noise through Averaging or Media Filters

Figure:Original image, w/ salt&pepper noise, result after averaging/smoothing filter, result after median filter.

Reducing Noise via Frequency Domain Processing