CS6825: Computer Vision word cloud

Optical Illusions: the difference between seeing and believing

Optical Illusion

Why when we add some strips across the blank areas on the image on the left is it easier for us to see?


Lines are straight but don't look it 2 broken line segments belong to the same line
Outline of bounding box appears rectangular but are square Arrowed lines are same length
Horizontal lines are straight but, appear bowed Same.

Illusion Can you see the 2 images:  A man's face and the mermaid.


The Old OR New Woman 





      Vase OR Face-to-Face
Up and Down OR  Down and Up   6 or 7 Cubes



Optical Illusions


How can this triangle exist in reality?




Where do stairs start?

Is this a cube bending in on itself?



Are there 3 Prongs...or ?

© Lynne Grewe