CS6825: Computer Vision word cloud

Human Visual System

The Brain and the Eye

Brain and Eyes relationship...connectivity
the human eye...its components

Three levels of membranes.

  • Outer = Cornea:
  • Transparent area,
  • Sclera: Opaque


  • network of blood vessels
  • heavily pigmented
  • ciliary muscle: allows focusing of the lens
  • iris: like a diapragm, controls quantity of light


  • made of layers of tissue
  • 60 -70% water
  • slightly yellow
  • absorbs 8% of visible light


  • contains photorecptors, sensors that detect light
  • contains rods and cones


  • Part of retina w/ central vision. Most cones are located here, w/ less rods.


  • 120 million, several per nerve ending
  • achromatic vision = b/w, grayscale
  • work well in low light conditions
  • low spatial detail
  • related to peripheral vision


  • 6-7 million
  • fovea
  • color
  • fine detail
  • work well in bright light
  • 3 types, r, g, b

Layers in Retina

retina layers

Distribution on Rods and Cones in EYE
distribution of rods and cone in eye as position from center of eye varries

© Lynne Grewe