CS6825: Computer Vision word cloud


A short introduction to JBIG, written by Mark Adler <madler@cco.caltech.edu>:

JBIG losslessly compresses binary (one-bit/pixel) images. (The B stands for bi-level.) Basically it models the redundancy in the image as the correlations of the pixel currently being coded with a set of nearby pixels called the template. An example template might be the two pixels preceding this one on the same line, and the five pixels centered above this pixel on the previous line. Note that this choice only involves pixels that have already been seen from a scanner.

The current pixel is then arithmetically coded based on the eight-bit (including the pixel being coded) state so formed. So there are (in this case) 256 contexts to be coded. The arithmetic coder and probability estimator for the contexts are actually IBM's (patented) Q-coder. The Q-coder uses low precision, rapidly adaptable (those two are related) probability estimation combined with a multiply-less arithmetic coder. The probability estimation is intimately tied to the interval calculations necessary for the arithmetic coding.

JBIG actually goes beyond this and has adaptive templates, and probably some other bells and whistles I don't know about. You can find a description of the Q-coder as well as the ancestor of JBIG in the Nov 88 issue of the IBM Journal of Research and Development. This is a very complete and well written set of five articles that describe the Q-coder and a bi-level image coder that uses the Q-coder.

You can use JBIG on grey-scale or even color images by simply applying the algorithm one bit-plane at a time. You would want to recode the grey or color levels first though, so that adjacent levels differ in only one bit (called Gray-coding). I hear that this works well up to about six bits per pixel, beyond which JPEG's lossless mode works better. You need to use the Q-coder with JPEG also to get this performance.

Actually no lossless mode works well beyond six bits per pixel, since those low bits tend to be noise, which doesn't compress at all. Anyway, the intent of JBIG is to replace the current, less effective group 3 and 4 fax algorithms.

Another introduction to JBIG, written by Hank van Bekkem <jbek@oce.nl>:

The following description of the JBIG algorithm is derived from experiences with a software implementation I wrote following the specifications in the revision 4.1 draft of September 16, 1991. The source will not be made available in the public domain, as parts of JBIG are patented. JBIG (Joint Bi-level Image Experts Group) is an experts group of ISO, IEC and CCITT (JTC1/SC2/WG9 and SGVIII). Its job is to define a compression standard for lossless image coding ([1]). The main characteristics of the proposed algorithm are:

  • Compatible progressive/sequential coding. This means that a progressively coded image can be decoded sequentially, and the other way around.
  • JBIG will be a lossless image compression standard: all bits in your images before and after compression and decompression will be exactly the same.
In the rest of this text I will first describe the JBIG algorithm in a short abstract of the draft. I will conclude by saying something about the value of JBIG.

  JBIG algorithm.


  JBIG parameter P specifies the number of bits per pixel in the image.

  Its allowable range is 1 through 255, but starting at P=8 or so,

  compression will be more efficient using other algorithms. On the

  other hand, medical images such as chest X-rays are often stored with

  12 bits per pixel, while no distorsion is allowed, so JBIG can

  certainly be of use in this area. To limit the number of bit changes

  between adjacent decimal values (e.g. 127 and 128), it is wise to use

  Gray coding before compressing multi-level images with JBIG. JBIG

  then compresses the image on a bitplane basis, so the rest of this

  text assumes bi-level pixels.

  Progressive coding is a way to send an image gradually to a receiver

  instead of all at once. During sending, more detail is sent, and the

  receiver can build the image from low to high detail. JBIG uses

  discrete steps of detail by successively doubling the resolution. The

  sender computes a number of resolution layers D, and transmits these

  starting at the lowest resolution Dl. Resolution reduction uses

  pixels in the high resolution layer and some already computed low

  resolution pixels as an index into a lookup table. The contents of

  this table can be specified by the user.

  Compatibility between progressive and sequential coding is achieved

  by dividing an image into stripes. Each stripe is a horizontal bar

  with a user definable height. Each stripe is separately coded and

  transmitted, and the user can define in which order stripes,

  resolutions and bitplanes (if P>1) are intermixed in the coded data.

  A progressive coded image can be decoded sequentially by decoding

  each stripe, beginning by the one at the top of the image, to its

  full resolution, and then proceeding to the next stripe. Progressive

  decoding can be done by decoding only a specific resolution layer

  from all stripes.

  After dividing an image into bitplanes, resolution layers and

  stripes, eventually a number of small bi-level bitmaps are left to

  compress. Compression is done using a Q-coder. Reference [2]

  contains a full description, I will only outline the basic principles


  The Q-coder codes bi-level pixels as symbols using the probability of

  occurrence of these symbols in a certain context. JBIG defines two

  kinds of context, one for the lowest resolution layer (the base

  layer), and one for all other layers (differential layers).

  Differential layer contexts contain pixels in the layer to be coded,

  and in the corresponding lower resolution layer.

  For each combination of pixel values in a context, the probability

  distribution of black and white pixels can be different. In an all

  white context, the probability of coding a white pixel will be much

  greater than that of coding a black pixel. The Q-coder assigns, just

  like a Huffman coder, more bits to less probable symbols, and so

  achieves compression. The Q-coder can, unlike a Huffmann coder,

  assign one output codebit to more than one input symbol, and thus is

  able to compress bi-level pixels without explicit clustering, as

  would be necessary using a Huffman coder.

  Maximum compression will be achieved when all probabilities (one set

  for each combination of pixel values in the context) follow the

  probabilities of the pixels. The Q-coder therefore continuously

  adapts these probabilities to the symbols it sees.

JBIG value. ---------- In my opinion, JBIG can be regarded as two combined devices:
  • Providing the user the service of sending or storing multiple representations of images at different resolutions without any extra cost in storage. Differential layer contexts contain pixels in two resolution layers, and so enable the Q-coder to effectively code the difference in information between the two layers, instead of the information contained in every layer. This means that, within a margin of approximately 5%, the number of resolution layers doesn't effect the compression ratio.
  • Providing the user a very efficient compression algorithm, mainly for use with bi-level images. Compared to CCITT Group 4, JBIG is approximately 10% to 50% better on text and line art, and even better on halftones. JBIG is however, just like Group 4, somewhat sensitive to noise in images. This means that the compression ratio decreases when the amount of noise in your images increases.
An example of an application would be browsing through an image database, e.g. an EDMS (engineering document management system). Large A0 size drawings at 300 dpi or so would be stored using five resolution layers. The lowest resolution layer would fit on a computer screen. Base layer compressed data would be stored at the beginning of the compressed file, thus making browsing through large numbers of compressed drawings possible by reading and decompressing just the first small part of all files. When the user stops browsing, the system could automatically start decompressing all remaining detail for printing at high resolution.
  [1] "Progressive Bi-level Image Compression, Revision 4.1", ISO/IEC

      JTC1/SC2/WG9, CD 11544, September 16, 1991

  [2] "An overview of the basic principles of the Q-coder adaptive

      binary arithmetic coder", W.B. Pennebaker, J.L. Mitchell, G.G.

      Langdon, R.B. Arps, IBM Journal of research and development,

      Vol.32, No.6, November 1988, pp. 771-726 (See also the other

      articles about the Q-coder in this issue)

© Lynne Grewe