CS6825: Computer Vision word cloud

Binary Image Processing

If you have thresholded an image with the goal in mind of extracting objects in the scene, useful for image analysis tasks, you can use a number of processing routines to further characterize the object information in the scene. Below is a series of features that can be detected for each object region in the image, which we will call B[i][j].


The area is measured as the number of pixels in the region weighted by their intensity.


The equation below calculates the center of the region x, y.


To have a unique orientation along the length of an object, the object must be elongated in one direction. If this is the case, the axis of elongation can be used to define the orientation. The axis of least second moment is equivalent to the axis of least inertia and is used as the axis of elongation.

The axis of second moment for an object is that line for which the sum of the sqared distances between the object pixels and the line is minimum.


The projection of a binary image onto a line can be useful for segmenting areas along the line for further processing. Consider the task of trying to find seperation between horizontal lines of text on a page. If you were to perform a projection along a vertical line, for black text against a white background the high values of the projection would indicate the line sperations.

Text image and vertical projection.
 Row	Sum


 0	1400

 1	1400

 2	1400

 3	1400

 4	1400

 5	1232

 6	1316

 7	1344

 8	980

 9	1022

 10	1078

 11	1036

 12	1092

 13	1050

 14	882

 15	1386

 16	1358

 17	1358

 18	1400

 19	1400

 20	1400

 21	1400

 22	1400

 23	1400

 24	1400

 25	1400

 26	1400

 27	1400

 28	1400

 29	1400

 30	1400

 31	1400

 32	1400

 33	1400

 34	1400

 35	1400

 36	966

 37	1106

 38	1134

 39	1148

 40	1134

 41	1148

 42	1148

 43	1148

 44	1134

 45	994

 46	1400

 47	1400

 48	1400

 49	1400

Blob Detection

You can measure various other statistics on an individual blob

Run-Length Encoding, Labeling, Thinning, Morphology (Dilation, Erosion)

See reading assignment on these topics.

The binary image and the associated labeled image are shown below.

binary image

labeled image (give a different label number to each blob detected)

Pseudocoloring is useful here to distinguish connected cells, as the labeled number of neighboring regions are near each other. The grey scale is poor for visualizing the individual connected region.

random pseudocolor labeled image

The histogram of the labeled image gives the following information. The length of the table gives the number of connected regions and its contents gives the area associated with each region.

#       Size: Width = 1, Height = 105, Depth = 1, Time = 1, Elements = 1

0  79409  

1  204  

2  542  

3  795  

4  784  

5  946  

6  242  




101  74  

102  89  

103  95  

104  333  

So there are 104 connected regions plus the background. Region 1 has 204 pixels, region 104 has 333 pixels.

Mapping the labeled image with the histogram as a colormap, we have:

area display of connected regions

In this resultant image, the value of each pixel is the area of the region it belongs to.

Dialation and Erosion - 2 Morphological Operators

Dialiation is to expand the boundary of each blob typically by 1 pixel (you can use other masks -structuring elements- to expand by)

This can merge 2 nearby blobs.



Erosion is to shrink the boarder of each blob by 1 pixel. This can eliminate small blobs. (Again other structuring elements to expand by other than 1 pixel can be used)






This is erosion followed by dilation. Instead of growing or shrinking by a single pixel however, what is called a structuring element that is a template of some larger size is typically used. For example, a 3x3 square blob can be used what happens is as follows:

  • this means that wherever a pixel in the image can be contained inside of an overlapped struturing element mask and all of the other pixels inside of the sturturing element mask are also set to 1, than this pixel is retained and not eroded. Otherwise, the pixel is eroded.
  • The effect of opening can be quite easily visualized. Imagine taking the structuring element and sliding it around inside each foreground region, without changing its orientation. All pixels which can be covered by the structuring element with the structuring element being entirely within the foreground region will be preserved. However, all foreground pixels which cannot be reached by the structuring element without parts of it moving out of the foreground region will be eroded away.


It is the reverse of Opening. It is defined simply as a dilation followed by an erosion using the same structuring element for both operations.


Similar to Erosion but, preserves blobs (never elminates a blob).

Multiple Algorithms, see reading and online resources for example algorithsm.




Example Rules in Thinning to think about





One Application of Morphological Operators is in OCR. Doing a few Dialations followed by Thinning can "connect broken pieces" and then "extract the skeleton" of characters that a person may write.

On-line Example from http://www1.mmu.edu.my/~mukund/covn/Thin.html

© Lynne Grewe