""" Basic functions used by several sub-packages and useful to have in the main name-space. Type Handling ------------- ================ =================== iscomplexobj Test for complex object, scalar result isrealobj Test for real object, scalar result iscomplex Test for complex elements, array result isreal Test for real elements, array result imag Imaginary part real Real part real_if_close Turns complex number with tiny imaginary part to real isneginf Tests for negative infinity, array result isposinf Tests for positive infinity, array result isnan Tests for nans, array result isinf Tests for infinity, array result isfinite Tests for finite numbers, array result isscalar True if argument is a scalar nan_to_num Replaces NaN's with 0 and infinities with large numbers cast Dictionary of functions to force cast to each type common_type Determine the minimum common type code for a group of arrays mintypecode Return minimal allowed common typecode. ================ =================== Index Tricks ------------ ================ =================== mgrid Method which allows easy construction of N-d 'mesh-grids' ``r_`` Append and construct arrays: turns slice objects into ranges and concatenates them, for 2d arrays appends rows. index_exp Konrad Hinsen's index_expression class instance which can be useful for building complicated slicing syntax. ================ =================== Useful Functions ---------------- ================ =================== select Extension of where to multiple conditions and choices extract Extract 1d array from flattened array according to mask insert Insert 1d array of values into Nd array according to mask linspace Evenly spaced samples in linear space logspace Evenly spaced samples in logarithmic space fix Round x to nearest integer towards zero mod Modulo mod(x,y) = x % y except keeps sign of y amax Array maximum along axis amin Array minimum along axis ptp Array max-min along axis cumsum Cumulative sum along axis prod Product of elements along axis cumprod Cumluative product along axis diff Discrete differences along axis angle Returns angle of complex argument unwrap Unwrap phase along given axis (1-d algorithm) sort_complex Sort a complex-array (based on real, then imaginary) trim_zeros Trim the leading and trailing zeros from 1D array. vectorize A class that wraps a Python function taking scalar arguments into a generalized function which can handle arrays of arguments using the broadcast rules of numerix Python. ================ =================== Shape Manipulation ------------------ ================ =================== squeeze Return a with length-one dimensions removed. atleast_1d Force arrays to be > 1D atleast_2d Force arrays to be > 2D atleast_3d Force arrays to be > 3D vstack Stack arrays vertically (row on row) hstack Stack arrays horizontally (column on column) column_stack Stack 1D arrays as columns into 2D array dstack Stack arrays depthwise (along third dimension) stack Stack arrays along a new axis split Divide array into a list of sub-arrays hsplit Split into columns vsplit Split into rows dsplit Split along third dimension ================ =================== Matrix (2D Array) Manipulations ------------------------------- ================ =================== fliplr 2D array with columns flipped flipud 2D array with rows flipped rot90 Rotate a 2D array a multiple of 90 degrees eye Return a 2D array with ones down a given diagonal diag Construct a 2D array from a vector, or return a given diagonal from a 2D array. mat Construct a Matrix bmat Build a Matrix from blocks ================ =================== Polynomials ----------- ================ =================== poly1d A one-dimensional polynomial class poly Return polynomial coefficients from roots roots Find roots of polynomial given coefficients polyint Integrate polynomial polyder Differentiate polynomial polyadd Add polynomials polysub Substract polynomials polymul Multiply polynomials polydiv Divide polynomials polyval Evaluate polynomial at given argument ================ =================== Import Tricks ------------- ================ =================== ppimport Postpone module import until trying to use it ppimport_attr Postpone module import until trying to use its attribute ppresolve Import postponed module and return it. ================ =================== Machine Arithmetics ------------------- ================ =================== machar_single Single precision floating point arithmetic parameters machar_double Double precision floating point arithmetic parameters ================ =================== Threading Tricks ---------------- ================ =================== ParallelExec Execute commands in parallel thread. ================ =================== 1D Array Set Operations ----------------------- Set operations for 1D numeric arrays based on sort() function. ================ =================== ediff1d Array difference (auxiliary function). unique Unique elements of an array. intersect1d Intersection of 1D arrays with unique elements. setxor1d Set exclusive-or of 1D arrays with unique elements. in1d Test whether elements in a 1D array are also present in another array. union1d Union of 1D arrays with unique elements. setdiff1d Set difference of 1D arrays with unique elements. ================ =================== """ from __future__ import division, absolute_import, print_function depends = ['core', 'testing'] global_symbols = ['*']