CS6825: Computer Vision word cloud

Project 2 - Evaluation Guidelines

The following are guidelines that will be used in evaluating Project 2. These are APPROXIMATE GUIDELINES ONLY and are not set in stone. The point values may alter and this is only meant as a general guideline.

Phase 1

points =20

  • 20 if all working as demonstrated by screenshots
  • 0 if nothing

Phase 2

points = 200

  • 10 points upload code (without this can not grade)
  • 15 ImageData class created
  • 20 ActiveImage and BackupImage object created appropriately and re-created during operations in Phase 2
  • 20 points "save as" operation
  • 15 points Undo Operation (tested with Phase 2 more completely)
  • 20 points uploaded Word document that is complete
  • 20 points Image Negative
  • 20 pnts Threshold
  • 25 pnts Contrast Stretching
  • 35 pnts Edge Detection
  • -10% if no demonstration
© Lynne Grewe