CS6320:  SW Engineering of Web Based Systems



Project R2 - Install Simple PhotoSite in Ruby on Rails use SQLite database ONTO an Amazon EC2 instance

RoR application


100 points

Due dates -

  • Application and Documentation Due April 26, 11pm



I am NOT GOING to tell you step by step how to do this. In fact it is part of this project that you document your progress and how you were able to accomplish the tasks.


SPECIAL ISSUE 1 You must SOLVE---what happens when an instance stops running



SPECIAL ISSUE 2 SOLVE---what happens when reboot instance& what can you do?



WIKI ( without this no evalution possible)   

You will create a posting to BB->Wiki->Project R1. You must have the following sections in your wiki documentation

Section Heading Contents you should have

SECTION 1) Intro and Purpose

Evaluation: 0 to 10 points   

  • Describe your Project
  • URL to YouTube Video (that features going over how you created your EC2 configured instance)

SECTION 2) Demonstration of Application working

Evaluation: 0 to 10 points

  • SHOW A SEPERATE SCREEN SHOT FOR each new screen a user sees in using your application on the EC2 deployment
  • SHOW A SEPARATE SCREEN SHOT(s) showing the useage inside the Amazon AWS console
SECTION 3) Discussion of anything NOT working

Evaluation: 0 to 10 points

  • You must show and discuss how the app is not working.
  • If you did not implement all of it you must state what YOU HAVE NOT implemented
Evaluation: 0 to 20 points
  • this is where you do a presentation of your work in video showing:
    1) show setup of EC2 instance with Ruby on Rails (5 points)
    2) show setup of EC2 instance with PhotoSite files (5 points)
    3) show AWS console where deploy EC2 instance (keep it free) (5 points)
    4) show in browser bringing up PhotoSite 2 urls now deployed on AWS and working (5 points)
SECTION 5) Special ISSUE 1
Evaluation: 0 to 10 points
  • Answer the question: "what happens when an instance stops running?"
SECTION 6) Special ISSUE 2
Evaluation: 0 to 10 points
  • Answer the question: "what happens when you reboot an instance and what can you do?"




70 points for wiki (see above ) + 30 points for successfully deploying the PhotoSite to AWS and it runs

NOTE: if you do not deploy to AWS successfully you will not be able to get full points on wiki as items will be missing





  1. WIKI on BB->Wiki->Project R2
  2. YouTube created and URL given in Wiki
  3. As requested -give demonstration of system working for peers and instructor.


© Lynne Grewe