e-Business: Portal Model
Some Features of the Portal Model
- A selectively popular e-commerce model : Yahoo, Google
- Lots of money in advertisement currently for these sites.
- Some going toward becomming "media" sites (think Yahoo!).
- Offers search capabilities...able to get information from web. ("Can you Yahoo?", "Google it").
- Often allows person to customize site, offers services like email (yahoo mail), personal web interface, etc.
- Some sites offer shopping and other direct consummer exchanges (Yahoo shopping).
Example: Yahoo.com
- one of the first and largest online portals.
- many countries
- lots of information and shopping
- lots of media, user customization and services

Example of mapping information on Yahoo

Vertical Portals:
- ones that offer a large amount of information in one subject area and are often described as "community" sites. think www.webmd.com for medical information.