e-Business: Auction Model
Some Features of the Auction Model
- A selectively popular e-commerce model
- Possibly more money in business-to-businnes auctions than person-to-person (ebay)
- Person logs on as either "bidder" or "seller".
- As seller - you post item, minimum price required to set, deadline to close auction, other information like picture, payment accepted, etc.
- As bidder- you may search site for items, view current bidding activity, place a bid, sometimes you can submit max bid and the site will continue bidding for you.
- Most sites not involved in any way in transfer (logistics) of physical item sold.
- Some sites give no garauntee of quality, reliability of seller.
- Some sites give information via reviews of seller.
- High (or continuous) - availability computing is important. This is the idea that they are always up and online. Fault-tolerance and redundancy are critical.
Example: eBay.com
- Opened 1995
- one of the largest online retailers and auction sites
- many countries
- some people make a living selling/trading on eBay.
- Does not maintain any costly physical inventory or deal with shipping, handling or other services like Storefront sites do.

Example of Auction items on ebay

Other auction sites: Yahoo!Auctions, Amazon Auctions, Sothebys, etc. |