How to Launch an Amazon AWS EC2 instance
This is a "virtual machine" that is configured to a particular OS and any software (like apache, etc) that you want on it. Amazon has a rich set of already configured AMIs that may suit your needs --if NOT you can create your own. Here I am showing a few of the MANY AMIs that Amazon has already setup for you
Now select options for your AMI ---I am going to choose a Free Tier Eligible Ubuntu
6.1) give it a unique name like "youlastname_CS6320_amiUbuntu_csueb" (that would be for me "grewe_CS6320_amiUbuntu_csueb")
6.2) Hit download key pair (save the file somewhere you can recover it --will be called youlastname_CS6320_amiUbuntu_csueb.pem)
6.3) Hit Launch instances --- it will tell you if successful and give you an instance name