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Design requirement of voiceXML | Page 5 of 7 |
The design principles of VoiceXml provide the following functionality
Allows specification of multiple interactions per page to reduce client/server network and processing delays
The language provides ways to link documents using URIs, and also to submit data to server scripts using URIs.
VoiceXML provides ways to identify exactly which data to submit to the server, and which HTTP method (get or post) to use in the submittal.
2. Ease of Use
Promotes portability of services through abstraction of platform resources.
It supports ease of authoring for common types of interactions
It has a well define semantics that preserves the author's intent regarding the behaviour of interactions with the user. Client heuristics are not required to determine document element interpretation.
The document authors need not explicitly allocate and deallocate dialog resources or deal with concurrency. Resource allocation and concurrent threads of control are to be handled by the implementation platform.
3. Error and Event handling:
Include explicit mechanisms for handling various common events
Unexpected user response (inappropriate response, help, etc)
ASR mis-recognition
Network Anomalies
Hardware and software platform errors.
4.Enable directed and mixed initiative dialogs
The language accommodates platform diversity in supported audio file formats, speech grammar formats, and URI schemes. While platforms will respond to market pressures and support common formats, the language will not specify them.
Directed: Computer controls the sequence of dialog. Fields must be entered in order
Mixed initiative dialogs: Both computer an dhuman control the sequence of dialogs. Fields can be entered in any order, several fields can be entered in one interaction.
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