Location-Based Services


  • By identifying where mobile user is, you had develop location-based services, everything from marketing to acessibility.


GPS- global position system. uses satellites to determine a user's location.

E911 - the Enhanced 911 Act. voted in US in 1999 to standardize and enhance 911 services. As part of this the bill mandates that all mobile-phone carriers provide Automatic Location Identification of a caller to withing 125 meters 67% of the time.


Techniques to determine location:

  • Cell of Origin - primitive method of locating a wirless user. Each call is sent to a nearby tower and from this tower the call is sent to intended recipient. This tower covers a specific area (usually kilometers). Only know user is in this area.
  • Angle of Arrival - measures angles from which a cell phone's signals are received by 2 or more towers and uses the interesection of these lines of sights to locate (triangulation) the user. Problem when interference in one tower.
  • Time Difference of Arrival - uses again triangulation but, this here it usies the time it takes to reach the receiving tower and 2 other towers. An arc can be formed from the information of a receiving tower time and another tower. Hence you can have 2 arcs. The intersection of these arcs is the location of the user..
  • Enhanced Observed Time Difference (E-OTD) - Like TDOA uses time to arrive. However, here the towers inititiate the transmission to the handset not the other way around. The handset does the calcuation of its location. Requires software on handset unlike TODA.
  • Location Pattern Matching - the problem with all of the above techniques is that in urban areas you can have interference that will effect the accuracy of the readings. The bouncing and splitting of signals off of other objects on the way to a tower is produces multipaths. This technique uses multipaths and they store in a database mulitpath patterns produced at various locations and match them to identify a user's location. Problem- how often do they update their database?...2 times are year.
  • GPS - gobal positioning system. developed in 70s by US defence department. Gives lattitutde and lognitude and altitute. Accurate up to 10 meters (commercial, military??). Uses a number (e.g. 24) satellites to locate a device. Each satellite sends a signal containing a random code to the user's device. The code itentifies the time the signal left the satellite. The user's device, which contains a GPS receiver, determines the signals travel time and this is multiplied by the speed of light to determine the distance between the device and each satellite. The location of each satellite is known. Hence each user to satellite gives us a 3D sphere the user could be located on. Triangulation is used...where the spheres interesect say where the user is. Problem...expensive...satellites are expensive. Satellites are a long way off and hence the siganls become weak...so, indoor GPS receiving may not be good depending on building,etc.

Some companies that have been involved in offering location-identification:

  • Cell-Loc and subsidary TimesThree
  • TruePosition
  • SigmaOne
  • U.S. Wireless

Languages to develop location-based services:

© Lynne Grewe