Mobile Agents


  • situated in an execution environment
  • processes the following properties:
    • reactive: senses changes in envorinment
    • autonomous: has control over its own actions
    • goal-driven: is proactive
    • temporarily continuous: is continuously executing
  • may possess any of the following orthogonal properties:
    • communicative: able to communicate with other agents
    • learning: adapts to experience
    • believable: appears believable to end user

Mobile Agent =

component that has ability to transport themselves from one system to another in a network. Taking state information and business logic with them.

Why Mobile Agents

  1. Reduce Network Load
  2. Overcome Network Latency
  3. Encapsulate Protocols
  4. Execute Asynchronously and Autonomously
  5. Adapt Dynamically
  6. Natrually Heterogeneous
  7. Robust and Fault-Taulerant

Comparison of Network Paradigms

© Lynne Grewe