Mobile Agents

- situated in an execution environment
- processes the following properties:
- reactive: senses changes
in envorinment
- autonomous: has control
over its own actions
- goal-driven:
is proactive
- temporarily continuous:
is continuously executing
- may possess any of the following orthogonal properties:
- communicative: able to communicate
with other agents
- learning: adapts to experience
believable: appears believable
to end user
Mobile Agent =
component that has ability to transport themselves from
one system to another in a network. Taking state information and business
logic with them.
Why Mobile Agents
- Reduce Network Load
- Overcome Network Latency
- Encapsulate Protocols
- Execute Asynchronously and Autonomously
- Adapt Dynamically
- Natrually Heterogeneous
- Robust and Fault-Taulerant
Comparison of Network Paradigms