CS6320:  SW Engineering of Web Based Systems


GAE: Datastore ---Manipulating Keys


REMEMBER from our overview of Datastore....


Entity = Object (loosely think of this as a row in a relational database--a "data entry")

 is of a particular kind
 has a key that uniquely identifies it
 has one or more properties
 Two entities of the same kind can have different properties

datastore entity = has one or more (name, value) pairs

  • values are primitive data types
  • each entity is of a named kind


Entity Methods (a selection) in Java API

see https://developers.google.com/appengine/docs/java/javadoc/com/google/appengine/api/datastore/Entity




returns key associated with Entity


returns kind as string (like idea of database table name)


returns the Property value as a String (like idea of column value)


gets all properties for this Entity as a java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.Object>

setProperty("name", value)

sets property (like idea of column value)


returns true or false if property set


Removes any property with the specified name

equals(java.lang.Object object)

Two Entity objects are considered equal if they refer to the same entity


Entity --setting Property and example in Java

see discussion on data types allowed for properties

Example1 -- here kind is "Book"

Entity book = new Entity("Book");        //Create Entity

Examples of setting property values of strings integers and date
book.setProperty("title", "The Grapes of Wrath");
book.setProperty("author", "John Steinbeck");
book.setProperty("copyrightYear", 1939);
Date authorBirthdate = new GregorianCalendar(1902, Calendar.FEBRUARY, 27).getTime();
book.setProperty("authorBirthdate", authorBirthdate);

Example2 -- here kind is "Employee"

another properties example



Saving an Entity to the Datastore --- example in Java

Entity book = new Entity("Book");        //Create Entity
dataStore.put(book);     //store to current DataStore object


Deleting an Entity from the Datastore --- example in Java

In Java, you call the delete() method of the DatastoreService with either a single Key
or an Iterable<Key>.

Key k = book_entity.getKey(); //get the key of the entity object you want to delete



© Lynne Grewe