Facebook Exercise 3, 20 points
You are going to create a Facebook app using JSP and the Facebook Javascript SDK. Here is a quick understanding of the components of your webapp
- index.jsp page will serve as the app that facebook will load
- Typically you will do your backend logic with java (JSP) possibly making calls to other back end webapps, servlets, or other systems as needed.
- Whatever HTML is static you will do in the HTML of your JSP.
- Inside your index.jsp file (or any other jsp files you call) you will have Javascript code that will utilize the Facebook SDK.
STEP 1 facebook login ( this does user authentication and will give you permission to access user information)
STEP 2 ask for extended permissions
STEP 3 publish a message to the user's facebook page from your app
STEP 4 asking information about the user
- STEP 1: implement a web-app with index.jsp that does the FACEBOOK Login
- STEP 2: modify step1 app by adding in new permissions to get the user's profile info (see facebook doc on how to do this by "Adding permissions").
- STEP 3: Now you have Facebook login setup with correct permissions requested and have an access token (lasts limited amount of time). Using the access token you got in step 1&2 you now ask the Graph API for some information about the user. First start by reading quick start on Graph API that lets you practice using it through a web interface before you start coding. To read or write data to the Graph API, you'll use the JS SDK's FB.api() method. Edit your index.jsp from Step 1 &2 to add two features:
- STEP 4: Now I want you to ask for permission to get more social data about the user and publish it to a tag in your HTML/jsp document. (see Step 1 where do this with users name).
1) here is link (current, if broken go to developer.facebook.com and search on "permissions") to the kinds of permission you can ask your app has regarding a user. https://developers.facebook.com/docs/facebook-login/permissions/#reference
2) Here is link on how to use FB.api(*) to get user info once in #1 you have gotten the corresponding permission (current link, if broken go to developer.facebook.com and search on https://developers.facebook.com/docs/graph-api/reference/user
SOME EXAMPLES ASKING FOR id, last_name and email
FB.api('/me', {fields: 'id,last_name,email'}, function(response) { ***whatever you want**** });
FB.api('/me?fields=id,last_name,email', function(response) { ***whatever you want**** });
Go to "Blackboard->Exercises->Facebook Authentication+Social Graph+ Exercise"
and read how to turn in there.