Potential Problem: Internal Error when trying to setup server Some students have been getting the following problem when after installing their jdk, glassfish server, their eclipse and the Eclipse pluggin for glassfish (all correct versions mind you) ---- they are trying to create a server the get the following "Internal Error" problem
This seems to be an indication that there is some missing software from the Oracle Enterprise Pack For Eclipse (OEPE) that was not in the previous install. So, if you install all the software in OEPE it seems to fix the problem.
Why this problem?? Some online discussion seems to be some issues with certain versions of Oracle Eclipse Pluggin software (read http://stackoverflow.com/questions/19190300/internal-error-occurred-during-publishing-to-oracle-weblogic-server-12c )
HOW TO FIX --- Here is how you do it:
1) In Eclipse: Help->Install New Software2) Now in the following window type the URL for OEPE FOR YOUR VERSION OF Eclipse!!!! (here is theURL for the Luna version of Eclipse: http://download.oracle.com/otn_software/oepe/ is the URL for the Oracle Enterprise Pack for Eclipse. 3) You don't need all of the software, but, I don't know what you might be conflicting or missing (as I am not having this problem). So, I am going to ask you to download all of it. by selecting all (or at least all under the Tools category) that comes up
4) Now, try to create a Server again
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