CS6320:  SW Engineering of Web Based Systems


Exercise 17: EJB



As puzzle is a brand new server installation of J2EE.


Part 1 - Option 1

As a class you are to go through the J2EE tutorial on creating and deploying an EJB using examples from the tutorial located at

http://docs.oracle.com/javaee/6/tutorial/doc/ (chapter 23)


The latest version of the Converter Enterprise Java Beans Example is located on the puzzle server (you must connect) at /opt/glassfishv3/glassfish/docs/javaee-tutorial/examples/ejb/converter



Part 1 - Option 2

Implement the HelloWorld EJB both locally on Netbeans and on puzzle server. Document the process.



After doing this work, you are to document this with screen shots on a wiki. Also, your groups is to come up with suggestions on how to deploy effectively as a class with the default tools we have (http://puzzle.mcs.csueastbay.edu:4848 ) in our multi-user environment. You are to create a simple web-page instructing the class how to do this and deliver it to your instructor. Note: part of this work will be figuring out the paths to the correct java classes, etc that need to be added to your classpaths for compilation.

PROBLEM: how to execute the "deploytool" a GUI app to package your EJB for deployment when we currently only have ssh access to puzzle?

© Lynne Grewe