Project 1
Web-Site Deliverable(1&2 below) - Due May 1 (start of class and on blackboard start of class)
Points 200
The Front-End w/Simple sessions PhP Cart
Create a web-site for a ficticious company that sells some kind of products. Your web-site should have the following important information and features. Please be carefull to design your web-site with a series of forms to collect user's order information. You MUST use a shopping-cart model as we will be doing persistent-data programming using PHP and sessions.
YOU MUST USE CSS styles and use CSS for a navigation bar that has a Homepage link a Products Page link
SHOPPING CHECKOUT FORMS AND EXPERIENCE You should have a form (or series of forms) that lets the user select which (and if appropriate how many) products they wish to purchase. The exact product options and products you select to offer are up to you, but the number of them must be adhered to.
Your web shoppers will shop using the following sequence:: 1. Go from HOMEPAGE -> To PRODUCT PAGE ->Select an individual Product which takes you to -> INDIVIDUAL PRODUCT PAGE.
2. SHOPPING CART INTERFACE (cart.php)- It is shopping cart that shows the products the user has so far selected(see image below). IT has a check out button that takes you to a static Personal Information Form (step 3), IMPORTANT the php program must add the new items into the cart which is maintained in the session. NOTE: the checkout button will be inside an HTML form that points to userInfo.php and uses POST method.
3. PERSONAL INFORMATION FORM (userInfo.php) Enter name, address, email address and other information. This form has a continue/submit button that takes you to step 4 a Payment Information Form. YOU MUST INCLUDE email too! Note if users want different billing address you must have form elements for this. ALL of this information must be added to the session information. NOTE: the form below is a sample design but it does NOT include email as required.. NOTE this is an HTML form that uses POST method and points to payment.php 4. PAYMENT INFORMATION FORM (payment.php) This is the html form that will collect the payment information including Name on Credit Card, Credit Card Type (Visa, AMEX, etc), Credit Card Number, Expiration Date. This form also has a Continue button that calls the Order Summary page. This form will be processed and take you to step 5 but, first saves all this information in the session.
5.ORDER SUMMARY PAGE.(finalOrder.php) This page shows the user a summary of their order. It must contain the following information it retrieves from the session AND dynamically displays to the client:
HTML code and related media, etc. posted on your class server account. You must fully test (with Chrome, Mozilla, IE)!!
HTMLWorking.doc: containing (you must use the following section titles)
SECTION 1:SCREENSHOTS: screen shot of one Product page and each of the shopping cart and checkout pages
SECTION 2: STATUS: here you must state what pages and requirements you have implmemented and ESPECIALLY TELL ME what you have not finished or is not working
SECTION 3) ADD TO CART PROCESS: give series of screen shots showing a) empty shopping cart, b) product page with "add to cart button" c) cart with product added to it.
SECTION 4) CHECKOUT PROCESS: containing series of screen shots from web-browsers showing the processing of the series of forms used in the check out process.
Upload the FOLLOWING 3 times to Blackboard->Projects->Project 1
HTMLWorking.doc, (zipped up project directory that has all html, css, php, etc)
specify the URL to a homepage