Creating a Class with Variables


Create a class called Family with the variables: lastname, firstname, and age. The first two variables are members of the String class and the age variable is an integer. Now, make the first variable "lastname" a static variable (or sometimes called a class variable) and set it equal to string "Smith" The following class CreateFamily creates a few instances of it. Add your class code to the following code and compile it. Note that the lastname is always "Smith". Try to change the code in CreateFamily so that you set the variable lastname inside of it for each instance f1,f2. What happens when you run the program now?
class CreateFamily {

    public static void main(String arguments[]) {
        Family f1, f2;

        f1 = new Family();
        f1.firstname = "jack";
        f1.age = 99;
        System.out.println(f1.firstname + " " + f1.lastname +
                           " is " + f1.age + " years old");

        f2 = new Family();
        f2.firstname = "sally";
        f2.age = 39;
        System.out.println(f2.firstname + " " + f2.lastname +
                           " is " + f2.age + " years old");


© Lynne Grewe