Java Look & Feel
Mac OS Look & Feel
Motif Look & Feel
Windows Look & Feel
All components have an abstract UI delegate in the swing.plaf package
(Jbutton - ButtonUI)
UI delegate is accessed by get/setUI() method
Each Look and Feel has a concrete class for each abstract UI delegate
communicate through UIManager class get/setLookAndFeel()
a static method UIManager.setLookAndFeel(x); x= a the name of the class that implements athe look and feel!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OR x= an instance of the class LookAndFeel or any child of it like MetalLookAndFeel (in javax.swing.plaf.metal) EXAMPLE
a static method
x= a the name of the class that implements athe look and feel!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OR x= an instance of the class LookAndFeel or any child of it like MetalLookAndFeel (in javax.swing.plaf.metal) EXAMPLE
x= a the name of the class that implements athe look and feel!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
x= an instance of the class LookAndFeel or any child of it like MetalLookAndFeel (in javax.swing.plaf.metal)