Simple NodeJS run on server directly (not invoked through web) to execute some simple database operations on a MongoDB.


assumes you have previously created a mLab MongoDB account (look here on how to do through Heroku addon)



STEP 1: copy code into file nodeJSMongoDBTest.js

STEP 2: add mongodb module to the application (if you have not already) and add to the dependencies

Now install mongodb module in the myapp directory and save it in the dependencies list. For example:

$ npm install mongodb --save  


STEP 3: run your new code and see the results in the console

Run the app with the following command:

$ node nodeJSMongoDBTest.js  




question: What will happen if you rerun the code? try it out.



Understanding some of the code -see CRUD (create, read, update, delete) in action

mongodb.MongoClient.connect(uri, function(err, db) connect to specified uri and execute function upon connection
var seedData = [
 decade: '1970s',
 artist: 'Debby Boone',
 song: 'You Light Up My Life',
 weeksAtOne: 10
 decade: '1980s',
 artist: 'Olivia Newton-John',
 song: 'Physical',
 weeksAtOne: 10
 decade: '1990s',
 artist: 'Mariah Carey',
 song: 'One Sweet Day',
 weeksAtOne: 16

This is the JSON object representing 3 entries in our songs collection we want to enter.



NOTE: we have 4 idices (like columns) in our songs collection (like a databasetable) and they are:

  • decade
  • artist
  • song
  • weeksAtOne


songs.insert(seedData, function(err, result)

try to insert new entries into the songs collection first creating the collection if it does not already exist

the entries are represented by the json object "seedData"

execute the function upon callback (being done)

{ song: 'One Sweet Day' },
{ $set: { artist: 'Mariah Carey ft. Boyz II Men' } },
function (err, result)

update entry with song='One Sweet Day' to change the artist to ='Mariah Carey ft. Boyz II Men'

when done call the call back funciton specified

songs.find({ weeksAtOne : { $gte: 10 } }).sort({ decade: 1 }).toArray(function (err, docs) {

this is like a select (read) statment where weeksAtOne>10 and sorting by decade in asscending order (that is the :1) and then get results as an array that is passed to the call back function
function (err, docs) {
if(err) throw err;
 docs.forEach(function (doc) {
   console.log('In the ' + doc['decade'] + ', ' + doc['song'] + ' by ' +
doc['artist'] + ' topped the charts for ' + doc['weeksAtOne'] +
' straight weeks.'); });

This cycles through the docs[] array representing the retrieved entries from the songs collection.


Note you access items by indexing the array docs[] with a column value called an index in mongoDB collection



Direct Access form user Application or Go through an API ??????


while more work creating an API initially, it means that you DONT DUPLICATE the work from your different interfaces like a web (Angular), different server application (e.g. NodeJS) or a mobile App (e.g. iOS).


What does it mean to create an API --- you create a series of spearate applications (like in NodeJS with Express) that serve up results of desired CRUD operations on your Database that are accessed via WEB URLs ---example


© Lynne Grewe