Express: a simple Node.js Framework

minimal and flexible Node.js web application framework that provides a robust set of features for web and mobile applications. Provides EASIER WAY (than just nodeJS):

it is a minimalist


front end setup

uses generator to setup project that defines folder/locations for content --- OR create a NodeJS+Express Project in WebStorm

npm install express-generator -g express helloapp

create : helloapp

create : helloapp/package.json

create : helloapp/app.js

create : helloapp/public

create : helloapp/public/images

create : helloapp/routes

create : helloapp/routes/index.js

create : helloapp/routes/users.js

create : helloapp/public/stylesheets

create : helloapp/public/stylesheets/style.css

create : helloapp/views create : helloapp/views/index.jade

create : helloapp/views/layout.jade

create : helloapp/views/error.jade

create : helloapp/bin

create : helloapp/bin/www


install dependencies:
$ cd helloapp && npm install

run the app:
$ DEBUG=helloapp:* npm start

create : helloapp/public/javascripts



middleware -- functions that have access to request/response objects

An Express application is essentially Node.js with a host of middleware functions, 



var app = express();





app.get('/', function (req, res) { // ...


template engine




The basic flow (shown using filenames/structure from WebStorm IDE) for NodeJS+Express app

Remember we have the following file structure


This image shows the basic steps


1) START APPLICATION: launches nodejs+express app and listens for requests at the specified port in www.js. Also, sets up routing maps as specified in the required app.js file

2) USER REQUEST COMES IN: using routing information invokes the appropriate controller logic found in routes and this can involve calling other js programs that commuicate with Database/Data servers or 3rd party (like ups etc). Then the data (if any) is bound to a template (a view found in views directory) and rendered and the response is delivered to the user.




Routing, Static Files , Middleware, Form Processing, Authentication (simple using session)


MORE yet read on your own- Cookies, Sessions


© Lynne Grewe